Magnesium and Digestion
Magnesium plays an essential role in maintaining gut motility and reducing constipation. Supplementing with magnesium (200-400 mg daily) has been shown to improve digestion by relaxing the smooth muscles of the digestive tract. A clinical trial showed that patients with constipation saw a 35% improvement in bowel movements after magnesium supplementation over a 4-week period.
I prefer doing a year of therapeutic 600-1000mg daily of elemental magnesium. As this builds up magnesium body stores
Since how much the body stores magnesium is highly dependent on the availability of ATP to form magnesium-ATP complexes, would be helpful especially to people already metabolically healthy or simultaneously on a program of raising metabolism.
@yerrag Good to know. Do you take thyroid with the magnesium as well to boost your stores even further?
I was fortunate to need little tweaking to fix my hypoglycemia, which was a 4yr cold turkey of PUFAs even before I heard of Ray Peat. So I didn't have to take thyroid to get my metabolism going at a fairly good clip. I did one year of therapeutic magnesium supplementation of 800 m elemental daily, and it was to prepare myself to end my lifestyle of relying on soluble fiber intake for good bowel movement. When I did stop soluble fiber intake, I continued to have good bowel movement with good peristalsis driven by having enough magnesium stores.
Still, I have some Tyrone or T3 with me, when coming out of a sick state and my metabolism needed jumpstarting with a little T3.