Child dental help! orthodontics/mewing
My child (under 10) went to the dentist and was told she had a serious overbite of "deep bite" that that it could affect her jaw? Or something like her jaw needed to be corrected.
If an orthodontist friendly to mewing-like practices could help, or if you know of one, that would be great. I REALLY want to avoid braces and all of the associated risks and toxins.
@Dibodibo my thoughts… I am not a dentist. I have, and would recommend looking into finding a biological dentist and work with them if possible.
Please read, ‘It’s All in Your Mouth’ by Dr Dominik Nischwitz. Understanding the critical relationship between your teeth your microbiome nutrition and natural immunity against chronic disease.
Very helpful book, lots of references but also easy to read.On a more personal perspective, your child is 9 and has many many more years to develop their skull and face. That all requires nutrition nutrition and also more nutrition. And fun and joy and playing around low stress novelty.
Mewing and Weston a Price have demonstrated all this.
A restricted diet or nutrient deficiency is good way to make someone deformed. So eat up and play!
@Dibodibo cut her tongue tie + myofunctional therapy and see an airway orthodontist is a good start. The YouTube channel jaw hacks this guy Ronald Ead interviews a lot of these airway focused orthodontists so I’m sure you could find one through him. Or tell me what state you are in and I can try to recommend you one.
@Dibodibo also a deep bite is a sign of tongue tie because your kid might rest there teeth in between their back molars cause they can’t get the posterior region of their tongue all the way up due to the restriction from a tongue tie. Like I saod airway focused orthodontist + jaw hacks + the breathe institute are some good resources to get started
@dapose I am in Michigan