wisdom tooth trouble shooting
Hey guys, any peaty remedies for a wisdom tooth that i havent had removed together with the others 8 years ago? It‘s causing some chewing discomfort.
I know Peat spoke about localized DHEA application, allowing the tooth to break through properly, as well as the importance of keeping the site clear of any infections.That being said, x-rays and/or surgery are not options for me. Do you guys have any ideas how i can mitigate any potential damage, or stop pain and discomfort altogether?
@Juri for pain, aspirin + caffeine most likely your friend. As for teeth health, high dose k2 mk4 (5mg) which will also prevent blood thinning from aspirin, as well as calcium and vitamin d. maybe look into hydroxyapatite toothpaste (i use apagard), but that most likely will only be beneficial once the tooth has breached the gums.
@donovan i already use all of those including that exact paste ^^ beyond coincidence lol
@Juri ah interesting lol. I love this apagard paste, truly a game changer. In that case I’m not sure what else you could do besides wait it out, although i don’t have much expertise in this area.
A couple of drops of SSKI as a topical will take care of infection, even if it lies well beneath the surface.
If I understand correctly from your post it hasn't fully emerged, I can relate my experience when a poor college student. I had a wisdom tooth that was begining to emerge and kept getting infected when I'd accidentally bite with it during eating. Dentists' offices rejected my inquiries on having it simply incised so that food wouldn't get trapped under the gum. It got badly infected to where it was 'numb' with pain. So, I took a double edged razor blade, broke it, sterilized it, and sliced along the crown of the tooth. I then packed it with salt several times a day using a broken toothpick. The salt ate away the excess gum and once exposed, the problem was rectified.
Not saying you should do this, especially if it is coming in at an angle, but salt is a way to both lower infection and remove gum. The SSKI will definitely heal gum disease in general to the point of closing pockets within a very narrow time frame. -
@rapscallion You are a mad lad.
@Juri topical lydocaine to kill pain. mynocycline or penicillin for any infections
@rapscallion I rarely eat on one side of my mouth because I sometimes get shooting tooth pain from it. Do you recommend use of SSKI for this?