I gained 5kgs...
Of pure muscle since I started Peating (approx. 3 months) with below 60g of protein/day and no weightlifting.
Most of your gain could be bone mass. I recommend eating more than 60G protein, and to train weights. This progress of yours will discontinue, unless you start to stimulate the muscles through high intensity training.
@Norwegian-Mugabe Yes I'm planning to start weight lifting at some point.
@bolditinerary what have you been doing differently to achieve this?
@bolditinerary I recently met some people I haven't seen in a while, and they told me I got mascular and asked if I was at the gym. I wasn't at the gym for 5 months now mama's boy DEVOURS his coconut oil
@AltarBoyBussy Mainly just avoiding PUFA, eating simple carbs, lowering stress (using aspirin) and serotonin (using cypro).
I also train boxing 2 times per week, I drink chocolate milk which some people claim is anabolic.
But honestly, I have always been successful in putting on muscle mass fast with relatively low effort. But peating definitely improved my muscle recovery and general strength, I believe.
@Norwegian-Mugabe I have no reason to believe it's an increase bone density, why do you think it'd discontinue?
@bolditinerary thanks bolditinerary. I've been told K2 will help you put on 5kgs of bonemass in one year. I want this.
@AltarBoyBussy 5 kg is a lot, first time I'm hearing this, this could benefit someone I know with osteoporosis...
an Increase in certain vitamins and minerals that you do not get suffcient amount of on a SAD-diet, will result in an increase in bone mass. There are diminishing returns to scale in gaining muscle mass, so you need to increase the intesity to keep the gains at the same level. Diet will only take you so far both in terms of muscle mass and health.
@Norwegian-Mugabe Interesting perspective.