New "Mission" of RPF
@C-Mex Maybe he initially thought there was something surreptitious but enough people interested in earnest arrived. This would make more sense if as I recall the site did not sell any products for some time, and seemed to be just an online discussion board.
Curious, do you read the Bible? How did you come to believe in the Father and the Holy Spirit, but not the Son, Jesus? -
I have read parts of the bible, but not all of it.
I explained my reason for not believing in Jesus as God already. I don't believe in sola scriptura, so I don't believe in using the bible as the sole basis for what I believe in. If that were the basis for you, may I ask why you believe in that?
@yerrag said in New "Mission" of RPF:
The hopefulness all Christians possess in acting for an externality in Jesus to be a magic bullet for all evil is a vehicle for extreme helplessness as it doesn't allow each believer to take corrective action to make the world better meaningfully.
What would it mean to make the world better meaningfully? What meaningful improvements have we achieved since the dawn of agriculture? Our grand achievement is that we have gradually turned ourselves sick, weak, ugly and stupid. We have uprooted everything that is necessary for our wellbeing. No community, no traditions, no harmony with nature, no healthy culture, no good food. We used to have everything we needed before we came up with the idea that the world could somehow be improved.
Since our largest efforts seem to only make things worse for everyone involved, the most rational thing for us to do is to stop trying to fix the world. The world is a lost cause, and trying to save it will not just waste your time, it might cost you your soul. Evidently any possible hope for us humans, as well as the world itself, can be found in nothing lesser than God himself. Rather than learned helplessness, this is lucidity given by 10 000 years of hard evidence.
The sphere where they do good is limited to their small bubble of family of friends, but on a larger scale they allow the noosphere to be controlled by a perpetual evil set of masters that would never give peace and justice a chance.
It is mere supply and demand in action. What can Christians - or any group for that matter - do against a sick population producing the demand for a sick noosphere? A population has the masters it deserves, as the flaws of the masters are but a reflection of the flaws of the population and what the latter deems permissible (even if begrudgingly).
The only sphere where an individual can realistically be expected to do good is their family and friends. Is it not so? How much influence do you really have over what is going on even in the government of your own municipality, let alone your country, or another country altogether? It is, in most cases, wishful or delusional thinking to believe that one's potential sphere of influence could reach much farther than their immediate environment. Therefore, the most an individual can be asked to do is to take care of the people close to them. If everyone did this, the world would fix itself. It is in no way the fault of the people doing just this that others are not doing it too. What are you doing more than your family?
@TheSir said in New "Mission" of RPF:
Evidently any possible hope for us humans, as well as the world itself, can be found in nothing lesser than God himself. Rather than learned helplessness, this is lucidity given by 10 000 years of hard evidence.
As I said, you can rely on the God from within and not on the God from without.
Let's just stick to the last 2000 years ok? Is that fair? By conquest, Rome has spread Christianity from the middle east to all of Europe and then to Asia and to the rest of the world. And what really has Christianity done? Does the American people really favor what their government and military has done in the Second World War? What is Christian Europe doing but for the most part be led by the chain to keep on making war for whatever flimsy excuse? And what do the Christian churches do but merely stand by and pray and pray, avoiding "violence" while allowing violence by not standing up with its faithful to the evil in their own governments? Where are the Christian martyrs? Where are knights in battle array ready to take up the sword to fight for justice for the "least of our brothers?" Instead, we see the fake Christian US Armed Forces, serving the cause of Zionism, supporting Israel because whatever sitting US president is a puppet elected by a largely Christian electorate brainwashed to support "the chosen people" because Jesus will save them in the Rapture to reward them for favoring "his people.." While the other Christian who think the Rapture is garbage eschatology and pure manipulation by Zionists, just stand by and pray the Rosary for Mary's intercession to Jesus to -what else- save them.
All are helpless. In need of saving! By an external all-[powerful entity in Christ Jesus the Messiah. And very hopeful but hopeless in the infinity of time that Jesus will come and save them. Faith in the non-existent that is to come keeps them as eternal slaves to the powers that be as they die and let their children, and their children's children, keep this nonsense going on while the Zionists and their sycophants keep getting more entrenched in feeding off this brainwashed mass of humans.
It's better off to be born without this brainwashing and abide by natural law, and to be guided by humanistic philosophies such as Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism, Zoroastrianism, and Manichaeism. For that may still bring true hope that society will once again develop and not degrade as the government is formed by meritocracy where public servants are respected because they are raised on ethical standards and shame exists as a code exists that serves the common good. This is love expressed in the highest levels of society.
@TheSir said in New "Mission" of RPF:
It is mere supply and demand in action. What can Christians - or any group for that matter - do against a sick population producing the demand for a sick noosphere? A population has the masters it deserves, as the flaws of the masters are but a reflection of the flaws of the population and what the latter deems permissible (even if begrudgingly).
You betray a lack of perspective from not knowing at all any history behind the cause of the sick population. Was that a product of God's design or by a conspiracy by a group of evil men to game the system to slowly but surely build a population of sick and stupid people whom they can use as Orcs? Have you ever heard of the Flexner Report?
Being knowledgeable enough and having been in the RP Forum long enough, it seems you favor trolling with your pretense at ignorance with your line of reasoning.
@TheSir said in New "Mission" of RPF:
The only sphere where an individual can realistically be expected to do good is their family and friends. Is it not so? How much influence do you really have over what is going on even in the government of your own municipality, let alone your country, or another country altogether? It is, in most cases, wishful or delusional thinking to believe that one's potential sphere of influence could reach much farther than their immediate environment. Therefore, the most an individual can be asked to do is to take care of the people close to them. If everyone did this, the world would fix itself. It is in no way the fault of the people doing just this that others are not doing it too. What are you doing more than your family?
Let's say you were able to become successful at being a great philosopher king kind of person and become the forerunner of a modern ruler that will not allow the COVID Hoax to be used to harm your people. Okay, say you were the mayor of a town that became so successful at getting rid of graft and corruption, and that you were also successful at getting a set of officials to earn their wings at good government. And that you were able to inspire a movement that will free your country from being a vassal to the US hegemony.
How likely is it that you will die soon? To keep you from fulfilling your goals of serving the people and the common good?
Do you not think that is what I meant when I said we are limited to a small sphere of influence? Or do I need to explain to you more? Please don't feign ignorance this time.
I am not here to gossip
Or be triteWith that
Genuinely concerning
On the brink of scary -
@yerrag said in New "Mission" of RPF:
As I said, you can rely on the God from within and not on the God from without.
I am unable to infer exactly what you mean by that. What is the difference between the two in the context of one's practical life?
All are helpless. In need of saving! By an external all-[powerful entity in Christ Jesus the Messiah. And very hopeful but hopeless in the infinity of time that Jesus will come and save them. Faith in the non-existent that is to come keeps them as eternal slaves to the powers that be as they die and let their children, and their children's children, keep this nonsense going on while the Zionists and their sycophants keep getting more entrenched in feeding off this brainwashed mass of humans.
It seems that you are critizicing Christianity for its failure to be something which it was never intended to be. The most fundamental function of Christianity is to offer a permanent solution to a person who has actually tried their best to be good, and, like anyone who has attempted to be good, been unable to satisfy the uncompromosing standards of the law that is their own conscience. In other words, Christ gives an exit strategy to the person who wants to be moral yet is trapped in a vessel of immorality. Thus in general, an inability to fathom the need for Christ reveals a person who has never truly tried to be good.
That Christianity is used as a foundation to earthly culture or politics and is subsequently generating abominable outcomes is not at all the fault of what Christ is, does or advocates for, but the fault of how humans pervert Truth in their pursuit of an Earthly paradise. Every example in your reply serves to show precisely why we need more of the grace of Christ and less of our own, misguided deeds.
Let's just stick to the last 2000 years ok? Is that fair?
Unfortunately no, as that would not deliver an accurate picture of our downfall which began with the advent of agriculture and kickstarted our physical and mental degeneration. I do certainly understand your urgency to focus strictly on the timespan in which Christianity was born and developed, as a larger picture than that would invalidate many of the points with which you are hoping to paint Christianity as a disaster to mankind.
It's better off to be born without this brainwashing and abide by natural law, and to be guided by humanistic philosophies such as Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism, Zoroastrianism, and Manichaeism. For that may still bring true hope that society will once again develop and not degrade as the government is formed by meritocracy where public servants are respected because they are raised on ethical standards and shame exists as a code exists that serves the common good. This is love expressed in the highest levels of society.
Yes, living in an utopia would be nice. Due to the imperfections innate to man, evident in history and present day alike, there is no good reason to assume that this would be attainable. It is too easy to refute existing paradigms with pipe dreams, yet exceedingly hard to refute them with something that is known to exist or have existed.
Was that a product of God's design or by a conspiracy by a group of evil men to game the system to slowly but surely build a population of sick and stupid people whom they can use as Orcs?
Clearly it is both. Evil men can only ride on the backs of our sins. Their success is a dynamic testament to our failure to live responsibly. Their rule would end the minute we regained our sense of virtue. It's not a conspiracy when the ones being conspired against are willingly perpetuating the conspirators' power with their own deeds.
Let's say you were able to become...
But you are not, the people around you are not, and the masses at large are not. This is very much the wishful speculation I am motivated to point out. Those once-in-a-century men who are destined for greatness will inevitably manifest that, be they Christian or humanist. Such men raise the masses behind them and even change the direction of mankind. In absence of these men, however, it is pointless to rally people as if their leader already existed. It is far more productive to simply teach them to live righteously instead, and so deprive the evil powers of their sustenance.
Or do I need to explain to you more? Please don't feign ignorance this time.
Being knowledgeable enough and having been in the RP Forum long enough, it seems you favor trolling with your pretense at ignorance with your line of reasoning.I urge you to clearly spell out every point you are looking to make. You can't ascribe our lack of mind-reading powers to malicious intent such as trolling or feigned ignorance.
@TheSir said in New "Mission" of RPF:
am unable to infer exactly what you mean by that. What is the difference between the two in the context of one's practical life?
The Holy Spirit is where you get inspiration and courage. It is from within you. It spurs you to think better and to act with wisdom and be filled with God. We could say our creativity does not come our own mind even, but from the Holy Spirit.
Jesus is whom you turn to in prayer to ask to come to your aid. In supplication, for forgiveness, for petitioning a change in state, in your condition or for someone else. You don't actively get yourself in the process of doing an action , but receive the grace from a favorable change in outcome from God thru Jesus. This is a grace that comes from the outside.
I don't know your religion and it may be hard for you to understand but let me know as I can explain it better next time with the Holy Spirit inspiring me.
@Peatful said in New "Mission" of RPF:
Genuinely concerning
On the brink of scaryAgreed. I'm just peering over without crossing said brink. It's probably not actually scary, that's probably just the abyss looking back at me.
And on some level I'm taking some notes. These people can never keep "their" mouths shut. Same with that troubled Argentinian chap.
"The world is about to get filled with rockstars." he said. Not quite...
@TheSir said in New "Mission" of RPF:
feeding off this brainwashed mass of humans.
It seems that you are critizicing Christianity for its failure to be something which it was never intended to be. The most fundamental function of Christianity is to offer a permanent solution to a person who has actually tried their best to be good, and, like anyone who has attempted to be good, been unable to satisfy the uncompromosing standards of the law that is their own conscience. In other words, Christ gives an exit strategy to the person who wants to be moral yet is trapped in a vessel of immorality. Thus in general, an inability to fathom the need for Christ reveals a person who has never truly tried to be good.
That Christianity is used as a foundation to earthly culture or politics and is subsequently generating abominable outcomes is not at all the fault of what Christ is, does or advocates for, but the fault of how humans pervert Truth in their pursuit of an Earthly paradise. Every example in your reply serves to show precisely why we need more of the grace of Christ and less of our own, misguided deeds.
I hope you know what Christ said is the greatest commandment. If you knew, you would know Christianity is merely an umbrella for a group of religions and sects hasn't had the effect of bringing any semblance of God's Kingdom here on earth. All wars we see are not the just war that Christianity on paper sanctions where good triumphs over evil. It's only in movies where good
triumphs.The inability to see this reality is what makes one blind and to hold one to using Christ as his security blanket due to one's inability to summon the courage and inspiration to make himself a vessel for God's love.
@TheSir said in New "Mission" of RPF:
Yes, living in an utopia would be nice. Due to the imperfections innate to man, evident in history and present day alike, there is no good reason to assume that this would be attainable. It is too easy to refute existing paradigms with pipe dreams, yet exceedingly hard to refute them with something that is known to exist or have existed.
Relative to the current state of world affairs in our current civilization, there have been meritocracies that far outshine Christian kingdoms and empires. and even those Christian kingdoms in the past, as flawed as they are, are not as hopeless as the current version of Christianity in the hypocrisy and pretenses it hides under. As each iteration of the mix of Christianity makes it more Jewish in character. More fundamentalist and more dogmatic and more entrenched in serving the Pharisees and Saducees and less in unity with what Jesus preached. Ironic as who can't disagree that the Evil Empire, the one with Satan as its god head, is the one pretending to be Christ's Kingdom on Earth.
@TheSir said in New "Mission" of RPF:
Clearly it is both. Evil men can only ride on the backs of our sins. Their success is a dynamic testament to our failure to live responsibly. Their rule would end the minute we regained our sense of virtue. It's not a conspiracy when the ones being conspired against are willingly perpetuating the conspirators' power with their own deeds.
God gave us free will. He did not give us Fentanyl and he did not tell us to make money at all cost. He gave us food to make us healthy, not drugs that make us chronically sick to create a dependency on drugs and a health insurance system that makes us even more dependent.
For you to blame the innocent and gullible to trust the same kind of people that feeds on hoaxes such as COVID reminds me of our media, who preys on a gullible audience that mistakes false logic and deception for being fair and balanced.
Also the drug dealer who blames the addict for lacking will power to resist lapsing.
It's not too late for you to develop a sense of compassion. Maybe you have that, but you just can't see how cold your answer makes you look, but anything is fair game to win an argument, right?
@TheSir said in New "Mission" of RPF:
But you are not, the people around you are not, and the masses at large are not. This is very much the wishful speculation I am motivated to point out. Those once-in-a-century men who are destined for greatness will inevitably manifest that, be they Christian or humanist. Such men raise the masses behind them and even change the direction of mankind. In absence of these men, however, it is pointless to rally people as if their leader already existed. It is far more productive to simply teach them to live righteously instead, and so deprive the evil powers of their sustenance.
I was asking you a hypothetical that isn't improbable as clearly there are men who could be great leaders and you your saying these people are so rare (once in a century?) makes me laugh. Where do you live that you have such as low view of people? You first say that people are sick and have themselves to blame matter of factly, and now you say there are very few good men around to become great leaders.
I have to stop here as clearly you are beginning to lose the argument by making baseless statements. Shows you to be the troll as you so often demonstrated at RPF and continue to be here.
@TheSir said in New "Mission" of RPF:
I urge you to clearly spell out every point you are looking to make. You can't ascribe our lack of mind-reading powers to malicious intent such as trolling or feigned ignorance.
You are clearly denying the existence of an effort to make the practice of medicine in the US, which has been ongoing for already a century. I asked you about the Flexner Report and you chose to ignore it.
For someone who was very active in RPF, it is likely you are aware of the Flexner Report and what it represents. It would buttress my argument that the high incidence of chronic sickness in the US is not of God, but of man's evil intent ans action to inflict harm on society.
You goofed in what you said because you troll by habit and couldn't resist. Now you're caught foot in your mouth, and ignore answering for fear you will look silly.
Did I make you more silly by having to point this out to you?
“For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6, KJV)
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe. He was not that Light, but was sent to bear witness of that Light. That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me. And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace. For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.” (John 1:1-18, KJV)
“And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God. Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.” (John 20:28-29, KJV)
“For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.” (1 John 5:7, KJV)
@yerrag Very well said insights.
@Peatful more manifestos from The Christians Who Eat Beans Forum.
@Regina hi, bean pill 🫘🫘🫘