Women, and Why Men are the Problem
@zawisza I didn’t imply any such thing. But I can see you missed my point completely. That women were historically consulted on moral matters in ancient times has absolutely nothing to do with modern “female intellectual pride” whatever that is.
@ThinPicking I wouldn’t be so sure about that, just look at the trans movement for but one example.
@onliest likewise!
@ilovethesea said in Women, and Why Men are the Problem:
Before forced conversions to Christianity women were revered for their wisdom and moral leadership.
The idea that pagans revered women more than Christians is wrong with exceptions being pagan oracles/shamans but that's hardly the kind of "reverence" that's in the question and it's similar to the role some Christian nuns played.
Truth is that:
pagans commemorated their own moms at twice the rate they commemorated their own dads
christians commemorated their own moms at four times the rate they commemorated their own dads
christians loved their moms more than pagans.
From: https://twitter.com/lymanstoneky/status/1780598601389154632
Based on: https://prism.ucalgary.ca/server/api/core/bitstreams/aa20d671-ac23-48bb-96eb-1538fc7de9dc/contentAnd:
More generally, women at all stages of life seemed to be treated very badly—starting from birth:
"But when a girl was born, the grandparents stopped thinking about her as soon as she was baptized. They did not even express any sorrow about her death. The young father, too, did not feel much regret over it."
"If the first child is a girl, the feeling in the family is mostly one of disappointment. One of the women might remark: “Oh well, at least she can be a nursemaid.” By the following day, no one gives a thought to the baby girl."
This quote is from book about russian peasantry from c. 1900 so one may argue that they were Orthodox, however, as mentioned in the book, they had little regard for religion and practically were atheist/pagan. In fact, most European peasants, both men and women, treated women terribly for most of the history. The only exception were places were Christian faith had strong roots in the community.
Even when women's role is reduced to childbirth and rearing it's still considered to be of much greater value in Chrisitan society than it ever was among pagans in most of the Western world.
@ilovethesea said in Women, and Why Men are the Problem:
@ThinPicking I wouldn’t be so sure about that, just look at the trans movement for but one example.
Seems fair to bring this up. It is inherently a kind of desecration of the ends of our condition. And probably is more problematic for women than for us. There's just only so much attention I can pay to so many things.
In the old/bad place I came upon testimony from a psychologist who described it a (currently) mistreated disorder of the sense of self. And found myself inclined to agree. Particularly in the context of the "information age", energy deficits and macroeconomic trickery. But I must add, I don't know. And lack the time to make it my lane. Constructive conversation needs to be had somewhere.
Meanwhile. There's probably a Marxian trick in letting this run to extremes and muddying the discourse. But again I must add, I don't know.
It's probably more complex than a frame of "misogyny" could hold while it's hashed out. But again and more enthusiastically. Maybe I'm wrong about that. Maybe this should be kept simple. You tell us (rhetorical).
This is 100% true btw
That's me on the left. Just chillin.
makes you wonder if people here need Jesus not thyroid. Real jesus. Real jesus is love. To do masculine things out of love. Not out of wanting to dominate for the sake of dominating. Do it out of love.
@questforhealth said in Women, and Why Men are the Problem:
makes you wonder if people here need Jesus not thyroid. Real jesus. Real jesus is love. To do masculine things out of love. Not out of wanting to dominate for the sake of dominating. Do it out of love.
Posted by a woman (I presume) in a thread titled "Women, and Why Men are the Problem". Meanwhile:
11 Let a woman learn in silence with all submissiveness. 12 I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over men; she is to keep silent. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve; 14 and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. 15 Yet woman will be saved through bearing children, if she continues in faith and love and holiness, with modesty.
and you in another thread:
why am i so confused?? is this a spiritual issue not a physical one?
A little introspection might be a good idea instead of talking about not-manly-enough men.
sometimes there is things in your life you can't control. you can be failed by other people and its not your fault. and thats it. and it takes time to solve.
you're a fucking idiot, your god is a psychopath, the one true god didn't care about all this, the true jesus believed all people are equal, your man made book is just a man made book, it is nothing about the one true god
@questforhealth Masculine men have to do good to feel good. Their role in life is to protect, provide for, and cherish women, children and animals. For feminine women it’s the opposite. They have to feel good to do good.
But we have too many “peter pan” men who never grew up and fail to recognize that only insecure, previously abused and damaged women will tolerate an ungiving, uncherishing man.
Of course it’s not just men who are mixed up, most women were never taught to value themselves and set boundaries. So they overgive to men and then get resentful.