I have t30s, want to level em up, Is it over, or does the aspirin meme actually work?

Latest posts made by 13
Will Aspirin Cure my t50s
Sup broskis, here's my stats rn, I want to gain weight, currently sitting at 145lbs, 5'11, decent muscle mass, very little bodyfat (around 11%) Natural ectomorph, gaining fat is damn near impossible.
I do not wish to be a twunk anymore, I want to go full bulkmode, I have around 3 years of on and off lifting expierence.
GOALS: Increase height, increase weight, increase strength. IDC if i become less lean, just want to gain.
I think Ray is Still Alive
When I go for walks I see this old guy who looks like ray. Same height, hair type, and build, even his face looks similair. I want to approach him but i am scared, wat do?
RE: Optimal gooning regimen
I goon 37 times per day. My personal record is 39