Thanks for the answer.
50 grams of beef liver is not that much if you take 250mcq of D everyday.
But Ive heard also that E should not be taken with any fat soluble vitamin supplement either. Is not that true ?
Dandruff or scalp irritation? Try BLOO.
Thanks for the answer.
50 grams of beef liver is not that much if you take 250mcq of D everyday.
But Ive heard also that E should not be taken with any fat soluble vitamin supplement either. Is not that true ?
Hello. I have tocovit and kuinone, I eat 50grams of beef liver for A and 250mcq of D everyday.
Which of these should not be taken together in high dosages?
E And K should not be taken together and spaced atleast 4 hours apart? Any other combos that is a big no in high dosages?