In prayer, one experiences the presence of God to the fullest possibility of one's absence. And within that holy absence, even in someone who is but slightly purified, there is more joy and severe profundity than any earthly experience.

Latest posts made by Adonis
RE: Why do you believe in God?
RE: Mushrooms....peaty?
@CheesedToPeatYou Indeed, that would be my answer as well, but has any amongst us drank directly from the chalice?
RE: Mushrooms....peaty?
I think that what @Hope_Pead is truly asking us is if Amanita muscaria is peaty; anyone?
RE: /lit/ General
Thank you for the thread, @Hitler. Perhaps we should start by discussing The Magic Mountain; Hans Castorp journey from an insensitive, blind, sick young man to a sensitive, perceptive, healthy one. Even in the midst of war and the foul smell of decaying bodies, he sings his favourite verses.
RE: Bioenergetic Films
The Death of Empedocles. A vivid and spirited adaptation of Hölderlin's tragedy. Great encapsulation of the Greek prowess. Other films by the same directors partake also in the same essence.