Sounds like a stress response. You may have a lot of adrenaline going through you as a result of your workouts and--most likely--your new life stress and accompanying lack of sleep.

You generally hang lower the more relaxed you are and the warmer you are. Recall how a flight-or-flight response causes your genitals to tighten or shrink as blood flow shifts to where it may be urgently needed.

The first thing is to find a way to sleep well. The second order of business is to tackle the stressful item(s) in your life at a point in the day when you have the most energy (if possible). Addressing the stressful issue will help you get through the rest of the day with better confidence. Feelings matter: your voice seems weak because you feel weak. Do not let yourself feel humiliated by whatever is stressing you out.

During the day, don't forget to keep hydrated. I find that bicarbonate and aspirin in the evening is a great help for winding down.