@CheesedToPeatYou I don't think isometrics are stressful hardly at all other than the metabolic cost. They're essentially concentric against an unmovable object and increase muscle fiber recruitment. Great Peaty tool.

Posts made by thebodyelectric_
RE: How do you incorporate sprints into your workout routine?
RE: Bioelectric or Bioenergetic Current and NeuX Technologies for Chronic Pain/Injuries/Rehab/Movement Dysfunction and Athletic Performance
@sphenoid Yes, we have two competitors in the market place who are similar. Feel free to shoot me an email at dand@neuxtec.com and I can share more info. Thanks, I appreciate the kind words and excited to share our story with people like you.
RE: How do you incorporate sprints into your workout routine?
I think that is a mischaracterization and have noticed it in the literature as well. Lengthening through reciprocal inhibition, what happens when someone sprints well, is different than an eccentric contraction. See Peat's comments on eccentric contractions: The brain’s role in protecting against injury by stress, when it sees a course of action, has a parallel in the differences between concentric (positive, muscle shortening) and eccentric (negative, lengthening under tension) exercise, and also with the differences between innervated and denervated muscles. In eccentric exercise and denervation, less oxygen is used and less carbon dioxide is produced, while lactic acid increases, displacing carbon dioxide, and more fat is oxidized. Prolonged stress similarly decreases carbon dioxide and increases lactate, while increasing the use of fat.”
RE: How do you incorporate sprints into your workout routine?
@sphenoid I'm not following the bit about deceleration required with each step. Are you talking about when slowing down? I think all of these issues are context dependent and sprinting and moving reflexively is generative given the right context. Most people just can't do it reflexively and strain when they run.
RE: Bioelectric or Bioenergetic Current and NeuX Technologies for Chronic Pain/Injuries/Rehab/Movement Dysfunction and Athletic Performance
@sphenoid It looks like SCENAR is a brand. I am not super familiar with them, but our tech is different than what they're describing. One of the biggest challenges we have is distinguishing from the very big category of modalities that sound similar to us, but are in fact quite different. Our tech finds neuromuscular dysfunction by finding tissue impedance. This impedance is felt by the person receiving the treatment. On "healthy" tissue a person will feel a light tingling and on "injured" tissue the intensity increases significantly. Essentially, the waveforms cannot flow through the tissue easily, because the tissues cannot contract and relaxed efficiently. Once we find these 'weaknesses' we treat them with the same stimulus.
RE: How do you incorporate sprints into your workout routine?
@sphenoid I think if done properly they concentric. I think most people are unable to sprint because their movement patterns and compensations make sprinting stressful.
Bioelectric or Bioenergetic Current and NeuX Technologies for Chronic Pain/Injuries/Rehab/Movement Dysfunction and Athletic Performance
I had been an active member of the Ray Peat Forum since 2011 when I discovered Danny and Dr. Peat. I tried posting this story there and Charlie abruptly kicked me off for not having cleared it with him. I had no recourse because he didn't have any contact information at the time. I am thrilled to see this new forum and share this topic. FULL DISCLOSURE: This is related to a company that I co-founded and have a financial interest in named NeuX Technologies. I have a wild back story that intersects with Dr. Peat that I will do my best to describe here, but I wanted to get a thread going since at this point I have been putting it off for years now. I played college football and sustained an injury my freshman year that was quite perplexing and left me in chronic pain for nearly two years. I would spend hours a day on the internet looking for solutions and trying to help heal myself once it became apparent the establishment would not be of any help. This was back in 2001 so it quite predated this era where everything is online, but nonetheless I persisted and was lucky enough to stumble onto a trainer/human performance coach who was deeply influenced by the Soviets and their wholistic philosophy/anti-reductionist worldview. I reached out to him and we developed a rapport and he told me that he could absolutely heal my injury and just fly to Phoenix, Arizona so he could assess me and I could begin my healing journey. What happened next was at the time something that seemed a miracle to me. He hooked me up to to a unique type of bio-electrical stimulation technology that was different than any type of "E-Stim" that I had received before. "E-Stim" as they call it is available in nearly all athletic training rooms at the various Universities in the U.S., but in my opinion it is largely ineffective. This tech was profoundly different for a number of different reasons:
- It was able to locate otherwise undetectable areas of dysfunctional muscle tissue locked in spasm and compensatory patterns, which is often the root cause of the pain and/or injury and can be distant from where pain is felt.
- The stimulus from this tech helped enable the injured tissue to contract, lengthen, relax and initiate the healing process. This is in stark contrast to conventional "E-Stim" that cause protective contractions (neurological protection and co-activation).
- When this stimulus is applied you are able to move and perform therapeutic exercises without pain and restricted range of motion (active rehabilitation). This helps eliminate compensation patterns and re-establishes more appropriate neuromuscular coordination. This is different from conventional "E-Stim" where you cannot move while the stimulus/current is running through the body.
- One component of the electrical waveform is that the tech had Direct Current like in Becker's "The Body Electric", which Dr. Peat referenced many times.
After just one fifteen minute session using this tech, I had more symptomatic relief than I had in two years. Just three days later and doing multiple sessions a day, I was completely pain free and felt normal. I already had a deep suspicion about the culture and how anathema it is to life at that point, but this confirmed for me that the culture does not address the underlying causes of various pathologies. It became abundantly clear that this was going on in injury rehabilitation so it must be going on in allopathic medicine as it relates to the various degenerative issues like cancer, depression, alcoholism, etc. Armed with this perspective, I continued to modify the way that I ate, slept, trained, etc. I was one of the first people to start eating "Paleo" and Dr. Art DeVany featured me in his blog which was quite novel at the time. It's no longer available online, but I am going to try and find it in the "Way Back Machine" one of these days. My point is that I was always digging deeper and searching for answers. It wasn't until I discovered Danny Roddy and Dr. Ray Peat in 2011, that the LIGHT finally clicked. It was like being struck by a bolt of lightning and since then I have never been the same. Dr. Peat's work brought coherence to my experiences and helped align my intuitions with my intellect. If I had a question, there was an answer. With this new abundance of energy, I spent the past decade voraciously reading everything I could get my hands on from Dr. Peat, Danny, Georg Dinkov and the like. What a beautiful gift it has been.
Conventional E-Stim consumes more ATP because of the inhibitory contractions that it elicits, while our tech helps the muscles stretch and elongate and develop a more energetic tone. In injured muscle/tissue ATP levels are already low and as such conventional e-stim devices can make matters worse, while our tech at NeuX helps generate ATP helping the injured tissue recover. We know from Dr. Gilbert Ling's work that ATP is a "cardinal absorbent". Increasing levels of ATP in tissues helps repair even structural damage as every pathology is at its core an energetic efficiency.
As fate would have it, I met other people along the way who were equally passionate about this type of technology and we decided to start a business together. The plan was to make an effort to make a similar type of bio-electric stimulation that I experienced way back when more commercially accessible. Our company culture is not entirely influenced nor is everyone even intimately familiar with Dr. Peat's work, but I do my best to nudge them in that direction.
After Dr. Peat's death, I feel a bit more inspired to be more forward facing with my story in hopes of helping others and thought it's time to finally put some info about us and what we're doing on the forum. I hope you all will check us out and please message me or post here with any questions or comments.