So I have studied this a lot.

I drink both excellent coffee and excellent tea.

Tea concentrates fluoride. The older the tea leaves used, the more fluoride gets concentrated.

When you pay for good quality tea, you are getting tea made from the tips, the shoots, and they are low in fluoride. If you buy cheap tea in the supermarket, it is very high in fluoride.

I think there are benefits to high quality tea. And I love tea. So I drink both coffee and tea all day long. I love the Japanese Gyukuro green teas, the Oolongs from Taiwan, and the amazing Keemun and Monkey teas from China.

You can also rinse the tea and discard the water, washing the tea, to get rid of stuff on the surface of the leaves.

We use loose teas only, of course, and use a Taiwan glass tea pot where we pour the water in. The top has a strainer on it.

You can also do what they often do in Asia. You can add tea leaves to a glass and add hot water, and avoid eating the tea leaves, and they just steep together and it’s simple. You can reuse and infuse the tea several times.