Ice Cream Evening Chat
@LinDaiyu You guys should only eat halo top and low calorie icecreams otherwise youโll get fat and big af
@Nvrprogsteralone That would be cool to see a cow in real life
@Anorexia You need to head back to Shrekchan where you belong and check yourself because you don't know what you're talking about. Ice cream heads can binge and get huge, we grow huge stomachs, and by monday morning we're skinnier than before
@LinDaiyu Girl you check YOURSELF YOU OBESE STANKY TRANNY. You probably bmi 23 speaking to me like this.
@LinDaiyu did ray peat ever caution against tapioca syrup? Because I have seen people recommend products with tapioca syrup but for me I have always considered it an allergen. I wonder how people on this forum tolerate it...
@Dakota tapioca syrup is goitrogenic
@Dakota I've never thought to look into it until tonight... i don't know what goitrogenic means so it can't hurt me. i'm going to try their honeycomb flavor
@ozma I've been making ice cream too, but I can't find heavy cream without at least guar gum around here so I've resorted to just making Peat's coconut oil recipe. what brand do you use?
I will usually have some haagen daza coffee flavored. Iโm sure itโs not great for you but I like it
@djoats Thank you for the excellent contribution to tonight's ice cream chat
@LinDaiyu Aldi super premium
@raypneat mm looks like it. That's interesting because Brad Marshall from @fireinabottle has been eating a diet high in cassava flour, maybe I'll check his videos out.
@LinDaiyu ice cream heads stay winning. Going to grab some cherry vanilla Hagen dazs this week.
Some great overnight posts. I can sleep soundly at night knowing there are ice cream warriors out there fighting the holy battle
@Anorexia girl you wilding tf out
I heartily recommend the Haagen Dasz pineapple coconut flavor, its very good, though personally I usually stick to the vanilla bean. The Van Llueyeyyanan Earl Grey is also very delicious and unzogged, best I can recall
@john Pineapple coconut does not sound good as ice cream. But if the recommendation comes from you John? I might have to give it a try. Thanks for stopping by the ice cream chat.
Havenโt fully cleared it with the higher ups - but we are going to be allowing milkshake discussion too as part of general ice cream chat. Be nice to the milkshake heads.
@LinDaiyu scratch that. the milkshaker i extended i welcoming arm to is a rice enjoyer. They will never be welcome and will never be an ice cream head.
I'm enjoying a pint of coffee flavored haagen-dazs.
Criminally underrated flavor! I've been enjoying Van Leeuwen honeycomb ice cream these past few weeks.