The results/testimonies page on The Calcium Therapy Institute have lots of reports of improved gum health and decreased gum recession. Idk if you can get it in Europe or not, but it could be a pointer in the right direction

Latest posts made by john
RE: Anyone know what typically causes gum inflammation / remedies
RE: Fill me in on why I should boil my vegetables
In case of mushrooms it breaks down and boils away harmful chemical that would otherwise be in a raw mushroom and the same goes for potatoes. If you follow the Japanese(?) guy on twitter who wrote the book about fish oil, he posted a graph showing histamine load across different types of food preparation and boiling reduced the histamine load the most, whether it was meat or vegetable.
RE: Ice Cream Evening Chat
@LinDaiyu I'm making french fries and burger rn idk if that's feasible tbqh
RE: Ice Cream Evening Chat
the 28oz haagen dazs were buy one get one so i got vanilla bean and strawberry and i also got a blender today gonna make a milkshake
RE: Laptop Rec's
@Rex Exciting. Might order one soon. I'll have to look into libreboot again, I've never done that before
RE: Reducing/eliminating myopia
it is worth trying niacinamide eye drops, distilled water + good quality niacinamide. I don't remember the niacinamide per drop but you can always start lower and add more drops. it will sting, but that's ok, that's supposed to happen. you can also add thiamine. I remember this improving my vision quite a bit, but its been a while since I've done it
RE: whole foods grocery store
they're frozen sea food is good and i like the chicken livers they sell there. if you're a florida wigger like myself they have some good florida oj brands. they also have some very delicious honey mead.
Laptop Rec's
Do any of you have good laptop recs for running OpenBSD? Ideally something on the smaller side that can have a decent amount of storage, doesn't need to be too beefy. I have an older Lenovo Yoga Thinkpad, its good but I busted it up with my fist a few months ago if we're being completely honest and I'm getting tired of the cracked screen... just going to keep it as a recreation laptop w windows tbqh
RE: Songs you like
I also like this song by Robbie Basho Blue Crystal Fire the whole album this song is off is great, very very beautiful, I don't think the album is on spotify sadly
RE: Favorite way to drink Bloo?
@brad Brad, I understand drinking bloo is not kosher, but what about using it as a mouth wash and proceeding to NOT INGEST IT? ty