Peatiest TRT protocol?
There's no right or wrong. Given that Ray was kinda against "downstream" hormone usage, it's probably best to use whatever protocol minimizes estrogen the most and causes the least amount of HPTA shutdown.
The TRT scene on Youtube is full of estrophiles, so it's not like there's a lot of good advice floating around that fits the bioenergetic paradigm.
I have good results with transdermal T base and the OTC aromatase inhibitor called "Inhibit E." This will increase T, DHT, and minimize estrogen without crashing estrogen.
Test in MCT for injections or topical test base + pregnenolone.
Better yet: daily nandrolone base topical (no test) + pregnenolone + DHEA and/or low dose DHT
Will be doing the latter soon. Supposedly nandrolone has positive effects on dopamine receptor density, more anabolic, doesn’t convert to estrogen, beneficial for hair. Adding the other hormones to cover for things nandrolone doesn’t convert into.
Please keep us updated. What form of nandrolone will you be using? Have you considered using ment? -
I think transdermal would be best.
I think a solution of test base , DHT , DHEA and Prog and Preg would be good.
In DMSO something like 5mg of T , 1mg DHT , 0.5mg DHEA , 0.5mg Prog , 1mg Preg per drop would cover all bases.
Can play with ratios.
I am unaware if there are any benefits of adding nandrolone
thats what I have in my iphone notes hope it is right
Haidut best testo options
- Free/base testo orally dissolved in tocopherols
- Gel but without skin irritation, skin irritations cause aromatase
- Testo injections or orally with esters
In emergency masterone
if your nutrition is good, vitamin e, progesterone, vitamin d, protein, dhea, magnesium then 1mg testo in vitamin e orally would be safe
What is the bioavailability of test orally with ester?
IDK i just wrote these notes on my phone from a haidut podcast and I think the peat qoute IDK where I got these from. Maybe Haidut can chime in on these question
Nandrolone compounds are pretty toxic. Not sure why anyone trying to even remotely cling onto a "peaty protocol" would want to experiment with those. They're serotoninergic and prolactin promoting. The way they agonize the 5-HT4 receptor should be particularly alarming, and likely play a partial reasoning behind congestive heart failure in steroid abuse. The natural androgens like T and DHT lower 5-HT4 density.
@metabolicmilk was going to do nandrolone base (no ester) and brew an idealabs style SFA/tocopherol/ethanol topical. This is after careful consideration that esters and carrier oils might add toxicity.
It’s funny that you mention MENT. The main barrier to this experiment for me is finding nandrolone no ester that ships to the US AND isn’t prohibitively expensive. MENT on the other hand is very easy and cheap for me to get, and has good reviews as a standalone alternative to test. I might use it instead.
My main concern with MENT is the conversion to methylestradiol that isn’t through aromatase. Methylestradiol doesn’t bind SHBG which is both good and bad. Good in the sense that it won’t crash SHBG, but bad in the sense that it’s more bioavailable. Like I said, I would be taking small amounts of exogenous DHT & pregnenolone and I would expect this to offset the estrogen somewhat, but it’s still something I have to think about.
@Mulloch94 not aware of this. Definitely gives me pause.
My understanding is that nandrolone is pro-dopamine and does not convert to estrogen as easily as testosterone.
@saturnuscv It very well might. The nandrolones downregulate autoreceptor activity, this may be happening to dopamine too. But I don't think it outweighs the risks, especially if taken chronically. Maybe a large short cycle with your T base as your foundation might help make positive changes. But I really wouldn't get into a habit of doing it frequently. TRT is best done with the bioidentical testosterone, and maybe also DHT as replacement therapy for aging males 50+.
@saturnuscv MENT is really bad for your blood pressure. My understanding is nandrolone is neurotoxic.
@saturnuscv yo did you start?
@Mulloch94 what about taking cypro with deca