Taurine extends life up to 12%
Ok but supplement is bullshit and impure
This sounds like saying eat more red meat if anything
we need REAL FOOD grown in NATURE eating the animals natural diet not more lab made supplements - fk knows what they put in it, I've seen how you synthesise 'natural' chemicals, it's really quite a messy and impure process compared to how a natural animal would do it.
I've seen how you make capsaicin, the thing that makes pepper spicy, it's really a messy process and its most likely very similar when you synthesise say taurine in a lab.
Sheep, cows and goats are natures taurine factory. Or if no meat theres probably vegetarian food you can get taurine from
But wouldn't this be full of mercury. But freshwater fish? Now we are getting somewhere?
I had butter fried fish last night from a lake. very good
@Peatly said in Taurine extends life up to 12%:
Taurine is underrated
I agree.
Researchers identify amino acid that may play a key role for predicting and treating long COVID> -
It is interesting that chicken is higher than beef.
I make gelatin weekly from pastured chicken wings, but I never end up eating the actual chicken. Maybe I should. -
This topic was covered in a recent Brad Marshal video. Scallops are apparently one of nature's highest sources of taurine. I try and eat scallops twice a week. I agree that natural sources are superior, but I also use Purebulk and add 2-3 grams of taurine to my morning tea. Enjoying a few sips of that right now...
Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. If you can't find a natural source, I think manmade is suitable. IMHO.
@cremes - I also use taurine powder to boost the amount in my diet. I have experienced no ill effects from 6 grams per day.
This study from 2004 convinced me to use this inexpensive supplement. Taurine was benefical in mice at every age as shown by comparing the blue to the control mice line in Fig.2.
@DavidPS said in Taurine extends life up to 12%:
@Peatly said in Taurine extends life up to 12%:
Taurine is underrated
I agree.
Researchers identify amino acid that may play a key role for predicting and treating long COVID>Thanks. Long covid is mostly vaccine injury and/or reaction to shedding imo. Regardless, taurine would be helpful because it is a natural angiotensin receptor blocker – see table 1 of this article. See also this post of Ray talking about angiotensin receptors being helpful for vaccine injury.
Magnesium should be helpful too (so are lots of other nutrients but I mention magnesium because it is often paired with taurine).
How magnesium deficiency might contribute to the long COVID-19 syndrome.
@Peatly - Thanks for the article. I see that taurine is one of 10 Angiotensin-Receptor Blockers in the table.
• Potassium (K+)
• Taurine
• Resveratrol
• Fiber
• Garlic
• Vitamin C
• Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
• Coenzyme Q10
• Celery
• Gamma linolenic acid/dihomo-gammalinolenic acidThere is nothing to suggest that taurine would be the star Angiotensin-Receptor Blocker that would enter into Phase 3 trials.
In addition, taurine is listed in 5 different categories in the table. There is nothing to suggest that is because it is Angiotensin-Receptor Blocker that it is creating interest as a possible solution to long covid.
An alternate explaination might be that it is deficient in the elderly (and sick?) and restoring youthful levels helps in long covid.
Taurine deficiency as a driver of aging
We can disagree on this matter.
@DavidPS It doesn’t have to be either or. You are right CoQ10 could have been studied and it was
Coenzyme Q10 as Treatment for Long Term COVID-19
Clearly taurine helps in a way that q10 does not
Functional Role of Taurine in Aging and Cardiovascular Health: An Updated Overview
From the article
"The beneficial effects of taurine on Ca2+ and sodium (Na+) handling [89,90,99,100,101,102,103], myocardial energetics [104,105], and cellular signaling pathways (including glucose transport, 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1, AKT, sirtuin 1 (SIRT1), FOXO3, p38, NFkappaB, and others) [106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121] are thought to underlie its major cardioprotective effects. Other mechanisms include the promotion of natriuresis and diuresis, most likely via an osmoregulatory activity in the kidney, a regulation of vasopressin release, and a modulation of the atrial natriuretic factor secretion [122,123,124,125]. In addition, taurine has been shown to attenuate the actions of angiotensin II on its downstream signaling pathways, on Ca2+ transport, and on protein synthesis [113]."I came across this - so leaving it here too
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2: SARS-CoV-2 Receptor and Regulator of the Renin-Angiotensin System