Any help with vaginismus?
Feeling like penetrating a wall while trying to have sex with my current gf. What might be the problem?
Most doctors call it "vaginismus" and "it is in your head". I don't buy it lol. Can it be caused by intestines? Any suggestions?
There is no way she is not getting aroused. I am 6ft2 fit handsome male.
@TurkishPeater progesterone
@TurkishPeater it's most likely: her physiology. Her physiology driving her psychology to be not comfortable with you/with her own sexuality. Sadly, this puts you in a tough position to offer medical advice that might figuratively and literally loosen her up. Aspirin might help and can be snuck into a recommendation for something like her migraines
Have you talked with her about it? Or are you worried that she might actually not be aroused?
I'm pretty sure this is not a physiological problem unless she's in menopause. -
@Cristiano She is really open about advice so no problem there. She is using pregnelone but I will suggest her to try aspirine too. Thanks!
@happyhanneke We are 20 so idk with the menapouse. Yeah we talk about it a lot, she is constantly looking for answers and usually furious because %90 of the advice are "breathing techniques" and SSRI type slop medicine.
@TurkishPeater if she's 20 the odds are she just is sexually retarded, which, is a desirable trait in a 20 year old foid. Good for you sir. Try the aspirin, make sure your spot is nice and warm
@TurkishPeater she needs progest + breathing to relax her pelvic floor. It's a nervous system problem and breathing is the best way to fix
@TurkishPeater roleplay as Gorbachev and the berlin wall. Threaten to nuke that pussy from orbit if she don't open up. Play subliminals of wet fish slapping against marble tables on repeat whilst giving her neck massages. Trust