Favourite Peaty drinks to sip on throughout the day? :3
Green tea
Water with honey and himalayan salt -
@Londyman waow water honey + himalayan salt sounds interesting, will try later :3
Ice tea, coke and chocolate milk
@slimegirls Milk, orange juice, smoothie, coffee, coke, raw eggs and butter
@toiletking hmm i like chocolate milk too, but i think many brands have carrageenan or other additives that might be harmful... do u watch out for that kinda stuff or just take the trade off?
I like White Monster (0 Cals) but I think Red Bull is better due to no L-carnitine.
@Fructose sounds good, but do u mean eggs + butter mixed or separate? lawl :3
@slimegirls Mixed
@nazi i dont rly drink energy drinks but i always wanted to try the strawberry monster - havent found anywhere local that sells it tho
u wouldnt happen to drink white monster bc u are a white monster perhaps? :3
@Fructose will need to try. How much butter do you add? And how many eggs do you usually go for in a serving?
@slimegirls said in Favourite Peaty drinks to sip on throughout the day? :3:
@Fructose will need to try. How much butter do you add? And how many eggs do you usually go for in a serving?
is a recipe by Aajonus Vonderplanitz called "Lubrication Formula".
1 raw egg, 50g of raw butter, lemon juice, honey, mix.
@slimegirls White Monster is great for the 0 cals and 0 sugar. sadly it isn't peaty though... you should try the pink one, pipeline punch is fire
@Fructose thank you very much !
@nazi okey, will check it out :3
I often do a green tea with about a tbsp of Raw Honey and 2 tbsp of rehydrated gelatin powder. Thermogenic drink for the warm months, very cozy.
@glycogenbuddha wow sounds interesting, need to get my hands on some gelatin powder to try :3
@slimegirls just make ur own with milk cocoa and maple syrup
Grapefruit juice. It’s peaty asf my darling
@slimegirls you're correct, 99% have that garbage in them unfortunately. There's only one brand that doesn't contain carrageenan where I live which I've been drinking for the past 5 years. Once they start too i'll probably have to start making my own
For me its a rich smooth coffee with goat milk. No other milk does it quite like goat.