Is it beacuse of the mould, right?

Latest posts made by Londyman
RE: Is Alka-Seltzer peaty?
Is Alka-Seltzer peaty?
It seems that Alka-Seltzer should have more visibility due to it's combination of Aspirin, baking soda and citric acid, yet i haven't seen any discussion on it.
Do anybody here uses Alka-Seltzer on a regular basis than can give testament?
RE: Cheapest way to peat?
Adding to the previous ones
-Walking outside
-Breathing work (Butyenko, Wim hof, Bag breathing, etc) -
RE: Why is the Ray Peat community so far right?
Energy flows better when there is order in the structure. Where there is disorder there is interference in the flow of energy. Look at the antifa mugshots and tell me their bodies (and therefore their ideas) are in order. Why do people here evangelize the saturated fats and renounce PUFA's? (look at their molecules)
RE: I suspect my gf is hyperthyroid, any advice / tips?
Usually hypothyroidism results in difficulty losing weight. In that case she should try eating more caloric dense foods, like beef or even candy. For the anxiety, maybe the amygdala is bigger than usual, meditation helps to reduce the size and therefore lower anxiety and fear. I use the wim hof method and can attest to it.
RE: Bioenergetic video games?
As people are saying. Peaty games would be where you don't induce extreme stress like competitive multiplayer games (Fortnite, cs, dota, etc).
Here's a chart