sebhorreic dermatitis cure ?
Bloo completely solved this problem from me. I started getting patches on my scalp as a teen and for years could not get it to go away. I tried lots of different remedies and topicals over the years with some small successes, but it always came back. But since I started using Bloo last year it now is not an issue anymore, as it completely melts the patches away and they don’t come back. It must be from either the baking soda, MB, or the taurine since SolBan, which helped somewhat, did not have the same effect for me. I recommend this product.
@fucker I put vinegar on the problem areas as a prophylactic. I apply vitmain E if it gets really bad. It's not a cure, but it keeps it at bay.
Have you tried oral antifungals?
@fucker I cured mine multiple ways, (it came back each time so ultimately it’s hard to call them cures) but many different things put it permanently in remission.
I cured it finally with thyroid supplementation. I suppose this too could be considered remission, but I consider it correcting my energy metabolism, (which cured the dermatitis).
The things that put it in remission were:
Activated charcoal, (two tablespoons in 8oz water 1-3 times daily until the dermatitis was gone, then a maintenance dose of once every few days and finally once a week).High dose B Vitamins, (B1, B3, and B7 in accordance with Haidut’s work).
Finally, thyroid, (Tyromix) four grains daily. Keeping thyroid at four grains daily makes it so I don’t need to supplement anything else to keep the dermatitis gone, (you may not need that much, and I worked up to this dose from .5 a grain adding an additional .5 grains every two weeks).
I noticed it got better when I repented of an unrepentant sin and turned to Jesus.
I'm also trying to improve sperm quality so I started taking CoQ10, D3, K2, and a B complex (by Thorne.)
I'm fairly certain what has fixed my seb derm is the B complex because I'd read that a deficiency can cause it, but I wanted to share the other things I started taking at the same time as the B vitamins, it very well could have been something else.
I also supplement 25mcg T3 a day, divided throughout the day.
have you tried antibiotics and also an antifungal soap on your face?
i had a terrible dermatitis breakout 2 weeks ago from something i was applying topically to my face, (im suspecting it was a topical thorne d3/k2 product i had just started using.) my face was super swollen and i had hives under my eyes, on my beard, on my ears.... it was so bad it hurt to even touch the areas.
i had some antibiotics in my house so i took a single dose of "amoxicillin clavulanic acid 875/125" and just sat in the sun all day, diet was ground beef, milk, orange juice, oysters, sardines, coke, supplemented with activated charcoal, bicarbonate and vitamin b1. within 4 days it was gone and now my skin is super smooth and clear, and no marks from the hives.. its like it never happened, just amazingi used this salicylic acid anti fungal soap on my face during those few days:
@ATP no , i don't know if that would have more drawbacks than benefits?
Pine tar soap can be very helpful. I found also that Mane & Tail shampoo and conditioner greatly improved mine, and are extremely cheap. Not the best ingredients but something in there really worked. Haven't had it on the beard so unsure how to help there, sorry.
@fucker I had seborrheic dermatitis diagnosed by a dermatologist in 2016 and gave me topical corticosteroids and said it was uncurable and I'd have to use them for the rest of my life. Many years later I was told by a different doctor that these steroids "thin the skin" and that I shouldn't use them, they referred me to a dermatologist to get off of them. I went to a different dermatologist and they said the steroids were fine and I shouldn't worry about it. I later learned about red skin syndrome, an iatrogenic disease that comes from the runaway effect of using topical steroids to treat skin conditions, increasing vascularization and thereby requiring more steroids to control. The only cure is going cold turkey on steroids which then causes the skin to painfully molt away.
I did some peat-world studying/experimentation in 2020 and tried topical retinol (used idealabs retinil) and within two weeks it completely solved the problem for me. I mixed a couple drops in water & coconut oil and used it as a moisturizer. Never came back. I use estroban now, just 2-3 drops whenever I suspect symptoms are coming. I think it was a vitamin deficiency.
We've also had multiple reports like @Icecreamfan77's about Bloo helping. Good luck with your experimentation, I hope you find something that works for you.
@brad What is bloo?
@Regina - mixture or salicylic acid, baking soda, niacinamide, methylene blue, taurine, and caffeine
@fucker I have. I tried lots of things but in the end only Neutrogena T Gel shampoo worked. I used it for a few months years ago and it's never come back.
@brad I too had dermatitis for a long time, (I have a ton of posts about charcoal curing my dermatitis on the old forum). It’s very much as Ray used to say in my experience, a function of energy metabolism. The D3/K2 product probably “created” the symptom because it added energy to the equation. Prior to that supplement it’s possible that you didn’t have to energy to even present with a symptom.
In my experience there is a major paradox with regard to bioenergetic approaches where by you get a symptom when you provide fuel or a supplement that increases energy. We subsist at such a low energy level that we suppress symptoms because we don’t even have the spare energy to begin to tackle the deficiency/infection/whatever the offender is.
This is why people gain weight when they begin to eat more. Sleep improves, (so obviously glycogen storage is deficient). Nutritional deficiencies begin to resolve, but weight goes on because while nutrition is the cure to much chronic disease, nutrition alone is unlikely to restore healthy energy metabolism. So, symptoms can abate, but the paradoxical weight gain occurs.
Not sure if this makes sense to anyone, (I’m sure I’m not being very clear) but this has been my experience. While charcoal “cured” my dermatitis, it didn’t do anything for my energy metabolism, (the only thing that ultimately raises immunity and ultimately cures us). Thyroid, aspirin, progesterone as Peat often said in interviews until it became a meme between me and my wife, (I’d give a personal shout-out to B vitamins). This simple advice is profound.
Never fully cured it, but the product Biom8 worked well for my face. Essentially a caprylic acid product with some vit E.
I already replied to this thread before, but wanted to add this data point. I ran out of cynomel and cynoplus and was without it for about a month due to customs delays. During that month, the sebhorreic dermatitis came back, and went away again once I got back to thyroid supplementation. I currently take 1/2 of each daily, divided into 1/4 doses with meals.
@fucker I and several others have cured it with topical caprylic acid triglycerides.
@fucker i dont know if i cured or not my dermatites and dandruff but the last 2 weeks it has been gone.
I'm not absolutely sure what exactly is tackling the problem but i believe the main factor is because i have been drinking lots of sugared lemon juice.
My scalp, skin, forehead have become much more hidrated, smooth.
I noticed i piss a lot less when i drink sugared water then when i drink just water. It seems that my body is actually retaining and using the water when i drink it sugared. It hidrates my throat, helped me overcome morning sorethroats.
If i drink just water i dont feel hidrated, my throat feels dry and i just piss it away in a matter of minutes. If i drink a cup of pure water in 5 minutes i am pissing it away.
It needs more testing. Not sure if the lemon is even necessary but it tastes better than pure water + sugar.
Half a lemon + 300ml water + 3 spoon of sugar or more.
I Drink it everytime i feel thirsty.
Sugar to taste.I think pineapple might be even better because when i drink pineapple juice my hair becomes silkier.
Other things ive done during the last 2 weeks
- didnt drink milk
- eat only hot meals
- stopped using shampoo (a long time ago actually not just this week)