I had ultrasound long ago when I had knee surgery, (I don’t ever have knee problems anymore). I’m following this thread with great interest. Anyone find any info on ultrasound for the thyroid? I seem to remember an old study @haidut posted on the old forum about heat alone regressing tumors…
Latest posts made by evan.hinkle
RE: The pro-metabolic effects of ultrasound
RE: Visceral fat reduction by enteric-coated lactoferrin
I’ve had positive experiences with lactoferrin supplementation, and decided to give the enteric version a shot.
My personal experimentation with regular lactoferrin has resulted in better sleep, more frequent morning erections, and vivid dreams and recall, (a positive for me since I practice lucid dreaming). It also seems to have a strong anti-inflammatory effect for me. I’m particularly interested in the enteric coating to see what anti-inflammatory effects this might have on the small intestine. My wife has had issues with SIBO in the past and I was hypothesizing that perhaps a reduction in iron, (as lactoferrin is known to bind) especially in the small intestine might be a more holistic/environmental change dissuading bacterial colonization in the area vs antibiotics alone with no change in environment.
I bought enough to trial this for a few months, (the studies were 8weeks).
RE: Why do I feel better after a break?
@lobotomize-me I’ve done a lot of public speaking in my life, and I stumbled upon this trick in high school when I tripped on my way to the podium to speak. The tripping scared me sufficiently to somehow relieve any anxiety I might have had about the speech. I gave one of the best presentations I’d ever given. Since then, I try to recreate the feeling my doing something to make myself vulnerable just prior to speaking. Tripping, or making fun of myself/making a joke specifically about me, somehow relieves some tension and then allows me to master my delivery and flow.
Maybe your warmup and your poor play at the beginning of the game are similar? They allow you to tap into inadequacy that then relieves the anxiety of “what if I play poorly?” You’ve already played poorly, so that anxiety has been fulfilled and now you can simply relax and concentrate on the mastery that you have beneath that.
What if you try to actively access this feeling in your warmup? It’s inconsequential to the game, and might allow you to start the game with that elevated sense of motivation that you get from being subbed out. Maybe wear a silly winter hat to the warm up, or tie your shoes together and trip, (though in your case you obviously don’t want to risk injury)? Is there a mascot? Maybe improv something where you’re the butt of a joke?
Embarrassment seems to be the key. It somehow resets the anxiety scale, (if you will) and allows the skill you have beneath the veneer of anxiety to come out.
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
@LetTheRedeemed interesting, I hadn’t considered this, but perhaps a little coconut oil in a sweetened drink could be more stabilizing. I tend to eat lower fat, (I’ve always had trouble digesting fat-I assume it’s gallbladder related, but in my 6 years of “Peating” I haven’t been able to figure it out). My family’s solid meals always have plenty of saturated fat though, (butter, tallow, dairy, coconut) but adding to a glucose drink is a great suggestion that I’ll try. I could mix plain coconut oil in my warm milk, but how do you mix it in OJ? Do you use MCT?
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
@jjk_learning no worries I didn’t take it as judgmental at all, (and as I’m sure you know, when the rubber meets the road all successful strategies are needed!).
I’ve become pretty good at sensing my children’s’ energetic needs, (it’s amazing since I changed my perspective on this 90+% of the parents I interact with starve their children STARVE them, and then force them into exhaustive exercise based activities, and wonder why little Johnny is such a naughty boy). I tend to front load activities now more than I react to tantrums. I know that it’s takes a great deal of energy for a three year old to walk from one end of the grocery store to the other, (but they don’t exactly communicate their energy needs do they?). So I keep gummies, and glucose tablets everywhere, (car, kitchen, grandparents house) and just make sure they’re topped up before a stressor. That said, yes, in a pinch it actually resolves tantrum behavior, (but a tantrum, I kid you not, is a sign you’re too late. You did not meet the child’s energy requirements).
I prefer glucose because it is fast acting. I know this from my own experiences. It stops negative behavior in its tracks. Glucose has taught me that all anti-social behavior is a function of low blood sugar. I am very convinced of this. I can’t help but think it’s why low carb diets are so pushed, (easier to divide and conquer the grumpy). Sugar has to be converted, and in a negative behavior situation, like I said, it’s already too late.
I don’t have any concerns about rewarding negative behavior for a few reasons. One, when we’re in a good place there’s no good and bad. With appropriate energy metabolism we act with honor and virtue, (we just do). So once they have glucose it only improves their entire biogenetic system. If they’re in a good place energetically there’s no logical incentive to waste energy on acting up to get more glucose. They use their energy productively toward joy and play. Not sure if that makes sense, but that’s been my experience. The other thing I notice is that when I find they “need” glucose, they’re more likely to refuse it, (stubborn behavior indicating that they have low blood sugar). I keep the glucose items in high places so they can’t self dose, but I have a sneaking suspicion that if I let them, they would just magically do so appropriately.
Ever since I found Ray’s work and applied it to parenting I knew that blood sugar was the reason for any misbehavior from a child, (and I see it everywhere). The next time a child that isn’t yours acts up see if you can’t find out when and what they last ate, (I mean don’t pry). If you’re aware of these factors you will find a child that has just been feed PUFA, or hasn’t been fed at all. Glucose will turn them around in an instant. I’ve seen it too many times to believe otherwise.
Oh, and this applies to children from 1-250 year of age, lol.
RE: Glucose loading cures everything?
I’m still using glucose, but not therapeutically. I think it’s incredible though as a tool against stress. I use two scoops in warm milk in the morning to refill glycogen stores after sleep. I use two scoops post workout in a drink for the same purpose, (also intra workout). Lastly if I feel as though my frustration is rising, I use it as needed, (less and less frequently because it has leveled up my resilience to stress).
In addition, I use it to sweeten the homemade jello/gummies I make for my kids. Nothing ends up blood sugar induced “tantrum” like these. After 6 years as a parent of two, I can safely say all tantrums are low blood sugar. Well fed children with good glycogen stores simply do not misbehave, (seriously, never).
RE: What's a best meal (series of meals) to return into bionergeric state?
@jet9 16oz warm/hot milk, with two tablespoons of honey, or four tablespoons of dextrose, (dextrose if the stress state is worse, honey if less so).
RE: Anabology Honey Diet & Protein Restriction
@Serotoninskeptic I could be crazy, but I wonder if the benefit is just related to the Randle Cycle? Like think about it, the diet is zero fat til dinner. Maybe just staying in carb burning mode, and not lypolisis all day is the key vs protein fasting. I know there’s a lot of research around protein restriction and its health benefits, but as far as weight loss is concerned, eating predominantly carbs, and fasting from fat all day and not alternating back and forth between lypolisis and oxidative phosphorylation is probably more efficient?
RE: natural deodorant
@nothingclever it did for me too, and I started using what has to be a 64th of a teaspoon, (maybe less). Just a slight dusting. No rash anymore for me
RE: natural deodorant
@nothingclever I use some organic vodka on on old hand towel and sprinkle a small amount of baking soda where the towel is wet with the vodka and wipe that paste/solution into my armpit. Works great all day.