Just an update to chime in. Dextrose has absolutely been the most effective thing I’ve done for my overall wellbeing. I was one of those “it took everything in me each day not to pick a fight with everyone types” and this has resolved 100%. It’s gone, I’m incredibly resilient to stress, and it takes exponentially more stress to agitate me now. If this is all I gain, it’s life changing.
I seem to have better glycogen storage and can go without eating longer. I used to have to snack all day to keep stress at bay and especially to keep my temper in check.
Something I’d like to see change is my tinnitus, no change there…
How I’m doing it: I take relatively large doses at different intervals during the day and taper the doses into evening. For instance, I have 4 tablespoons in 8oz on coffee in the AM, then another 4 tablespoons in a second 8oz of coffee, (this is the extent of my coffee consumption-which again is life altering from the 6-10 cups I drank in the past). I then follow the two coffees with 16oz skim milk with another 4 tablespoons of dextrose. This is a typical “breakfast” if I hungry I may have a few slices of sourdough. So a total of 12 tablespoons that I “front-load” in the AM.
I then no longer need to snack between breakfast and lunch. At lunch I flex between solid food with a beverage with 4 tablespoons of dextrose, or a giant smoothie with 4 tablespoons.
I typically have a smoothie with 4 tablespoons of dextrose around 3pm. Sometimes I don’t feel like I need it.
At dinner I will either add 2-4 tablespoons to my meal, or drink a beverage afterwards with 2-4 tablespoons.
Somewhere before bed I’ll have a snack where I add 2 tablespoons.
On days where I lift weights, (3 days a week) I drink 16oz of a beverage with 8 tablespoons of dextrose, (I sip it between sets, and finish it when I complete the workout).
Recently I decided to take a break from all supplements and I feel pretty good. I may add some back in, but I didn’t lack energy or motivation, (I feel much more resilient).
As a total side note, I’ve looked into fruits with higher ratios of glucose to fructose and I’m finding these fruits to be much more digestible for me, (and I just seem to enjoy them more as well).
So I’m not sure where to go from here. I am sold, this, for me, seems to be a missing link. I always had the same repetitive pattern with bioenergetic substances, (work briefly, eventually stop, lead to constipation). Glucose eliminates the need to balance supplements to avoid that cycle. I would LOVE to eliminate tinnitus, but I’m not sure how much dextrose would be needed to do this. I know Dr Stephens says to up the dose until symptoms subside, but I think I’d like to speak directly to him or someone else before I start pounding more than 8 tablespoons in a single dose, (who knows, maybe I’ll feel confident at some point in the future to expiriment this way).
I think some of us simply don’t convert carbs into glucose, and at least for me, no volume of fruit, starch, or thyroid medicine closed that gap.