Thoughts on Ovaltine?
What're people's thoughts on ovaltine? Ingredients aren't natural but it seems like it adds good nutrients, tasty in milk. Is it peaty? Should I have it once or twice a day?
I drank that as a kid for a few years, love that Malt! Also Chocolate shakes with malt.UmmmHmmm,
I don't know what ingredients that are 'bad' are in it, but you could just try and get malted barley powder, etc., and do it yo-self.Also try roasted chicory root. That is a nice earthy drink too.
You may be drinking this just to get more milk inside you, I dunno, you aren't forward in the rest of your 'peaty' diet to compare. Let us know how it goes.
@AkJono I just finished college so I finally have the money and time to wiggle around with my diet. I am trying to expand more, and am still building a foundation that's why my "peaty diet" isn't fully fleshed out currently. I do drink a lot of milk but am trying to find a way to change things up since milk as good as it is can get kind of annoying to drink towards the end of the day, especially with meals.