Is supplemental d3 less likely to be more stored as fat? Compared with natural sunlight vit D?
I ask because 4 months ago i had good vitamin D levels from supplementing and stopped the supps+did not get any sunlight - was wondering if that is enough to make deficient now
i know natural sunlight is best, i worked long office hours and was difficult to get sun -
No, for D3, if you get the right amount of magnesium (350 - 420 mg). Too short or too much could impact the assimilation. PUFA inhibit the absorption of vit D (nuts, oil from sunflower, corn, soya)
But of course there is much more than D3 vitamin in the sunlight.- Excess magnesium can hinder the absorption of vitamin D. Neither too little nor too much magnesium (RDA is favorable).
- If the ratio PUFA : MUFA > 1, you will have difficulty increasing the levels of 25(OH)D. This brings us directly to 18-20g and 12-15g of PUFA consumed daily by American men and women (Kris-Etheton, 2000) and their negative impact on the absorption of already low quantities of vitamin D in food. So beware of manufactured foods which often contain an addition of soy and corn oil.
By the way, if your sun shadow exceeds your height, you will not make vitamin D. Question of wavelength.
For other readers:
Useful link (in French, translator needed, but with links in English):
Absorption de la vitamine D insuffisante ?
Facteurs qui facilitent ou contrecarrent l’absorption de la vitamine D3 -
@AndrewPeatMatrix I would take it with K2 and magnesium to optimize absorption. I always prefer sunlight but during long periods of time with little sunlight, the supplement works well.