How to stabilize blood sugar during COVID illness?
@RPadmirateur You can filter the apple juice using a coffee filter to remove pectin. Also have your tried juicing your own fruits? I know some people cannot tolerate store bought juice but feel fine incorporating fresh-pressed juice.
@RPadmirateur said in How to stabilize blood sugar during COVID illness?:
Please read what I wrote to Jennifer and lmk what you think.
Do you drink any water?
Not concomitant with anything else, just generally.
@RPadmirateur said in How to stabilize blood sugar during COVID illness?:
@yerrag I am thinking I need to try cyproheptadine, for its anti-serotonin effects. Yes, serotonin is deactivated in the lungs. Was cyproheptadine part of your healing regime? In a nutshell, how did you heal your lungs?
I had to use nebulization using a combination of cortisone and salbutamol, as well as oral NAC, the kind that fizzles and tastes sweet that is branded (as the unbranded generic one will work but tastes nasty). But this is following my pulmologist, who also gave me some antibiotics such as Clarithromycin for good measure, just in case there was an infection building up.
But I also relied a lot on aromatherapy, where I used essential oils blended into a suppository I made. It involves first using a blend that was both mucolytic and acts as an expectorant. Then followed days later by a blend that was antimicrobial, as removing the phlegm was necessary to make the antimicrobial treatment more effective (lust like taking biofilm busters would make antibiotics more effective). The third blend that was the last, involved healing or restoring the liver, which may have been negatively impacted by the use of essential oils on it. The suppository method works well because it bypaases the liver first pass of detoxing which would lessen the potency of the substances used. Using herbs, where the essential oils come from, also provide multiple pathways of action, unlike pharma's approach of relying on one substance to act. The redundancy makes aromatherapy less subject to treatment failure and side effects.
@ThinPicking No, I don't drink water. I can barely handle the amount of fluid I am taking in. Even when well, I don't drink water.
@Serotoninskeptic Great to know about filtering the apple juice! I cannot find ripe oranges, so I think that might be a contributing factor to the intestinal irritation. The cough corresponds to the bloating, gas and diarrhea at this point. Why is your user name serotoninskeptic? I will juice other juices today. I have grapes, watermelon and apple juice, and now I know that I can filter it! Thank you!
@jennifer I haven't slept the last 2 nights and lots of gas, bloating and diarrhea last night. Temps have dropped, so I guess my working theory about the aspirin and T3 was wrong. What type of NDT do you or does your mum use and how does one go about optimizing it? I will look into the CamphoSal. Thank you!
@RPadmirateur, whoops. I never received a notification for your other reply. Sorry about that. I take Armour, but if you can’t get your doctor to prescribe it or another NDT like NP Thyroid or ADTHYZA, IdeaLabs makes a standardized desiccated thyroid called TyroMax. You want to make sure that whatever desiccated thyroid you use it’s standardized or else you won’t be getting consistent potency, which makes dosing it properly impossible. It’s slower acting than synthetic thyroid because it has to be digested first to release thyroid hormones that are bound to the protein thyroglobulin so you may find that it works better for you. For dosing, I titrate it up or down by 1/4 grain every two weeks until I reach ideal temps and pulse, and my symptoms have resolved. I hope it helps and you experience relief soon!
@RPadmirateur said in How to stabilize blood sugar during COVID illness?:
No, I don't drink water. I can barely handle the amount of fluid I am taking in. Even when well, I don't drink water.
You should. As far as I'm aware, Ray didn't say no water. He said a large amount of it arriving in the intestine causes stress. Which is a function of what's there, along with the volume and pressure of what's consumed.
You're getting a fullness from your current volume because it's very tonic. And your intestine's probably a sodium reservoir by now.
Add it back slowly is my advice.
@Jennifer Thank you! I am very ill/ feel terrible all of the time and barely sleeping and barely functioning at this point. I appreciate your help! I doubt that I could get a doc to prescribe NDT for me, but maybe that's what I need. In the mean time, I am starting ground zero with Cynoplus and Cynomel.
@ThinPicking With 2-3 liters of milk and a pint of juices a day, and now quite sedentary, water would be disastrous. I crave salt, and I am far from thirsty, and that is a good indication not to drink water.
@RPadmirateur said in How to stabilize blood sugar during COVID illness?:
I crave salt
It sounded like a lot already for the volume. But maybe it's the opposite. Edit, or maybe you've driven your salt appetite high. More a craving than a physiological need. It can be a moving target. Only ye could figure this out really.
You say "water would be disastrous". But having BP dysregulated and being unable to tolerate whole foods is also a little so. Unless you have kidney problems you'd get some diuresis at worst.
Whatever gets your GI to tolerate whole foods again. If it were me and assuming no other particular discomfort in running a high blood pressure, I'd target that and not the blood pressure for progress. Because the GI itself is intricately involved in BP regulation.
I talked about CO2, but I assumed there is enough oxygen coursing through your blood.
But what do people share in common having gone through COVID? A residual problem in breathing. If the breathing is all restored, there is still the residual dead tissue matter that gets accumulated and backed up in your system. One thing that is overlooked are the red dead blood cells, which die because of oxygen deficit when suffering from COPD and/or ARDs.
You may see evidence of this waste as sludge in blood vessels, as expressed in high ESR. But you would hardly find evidence of it when this waste is backed up in your lymphatic system.
The heme in RBCs when being broken up release iron, and this free iron is involved with the enzyme heme oxygenase in creating carbon monoxide. Read through Peat's newsletters about this, and make the connection, though it is hard to make the connection without experiencing the effects yourself and to start thinking, instead of just relying on medical studies that just makes you go off kilter and lay the blame elsewhere, as they often do. It gets you off the trail and leads to rabbit holes, where you don't actually find the root cause and end up with endless doctor visits, until a bigger disease leads you to focus on yet another "bigger threat."
What I think is happening I'd that the tissues exposed to carbon monoxide chronically lead to our endothelial vessel linings becoming porous, and they absorb particles, especially water, leading to edema.
This is the start of worse things to come, such as leading to pleural effusion in the lungs and heart failure. I know, I've been down this road before. It had to take me awhile to figure this thing out. And I'm not out of the woods yet (though my case is not COVID though similarly respiratory in nature).
When I'm finally well, I can talk more about it. But right now, it is just my experience and observations against the prevailing conventional wisdom. It is too lengthy to explain, and not worth expounding on as it is going to just be ignored as my n=1 is hardly considered scientific especially to the Ivy League scientist proponents that lie in the woodworks here.
wuflu decimates bifido bacteria to ridiculous low levels. consistently across dozens and dozens of biome tests ive seen posted. natto and kefir might be your best friend after, as well as the normie adjacent gut protocols full of bifidogenic foods. not peaty stuff tho (raw onions, garlic, all sorts of veg and herbs etc)
@ThinPicking I am slowly experimenting with food tolerance. Thank you.
@yerrag My respiratory symptoms are completely resolved, except that I still have a raspy voice. It is now a matter of trying drinks and foods that I can digest without having constipation or diarrhea, and managing my blood sugar, which swings high and then low, the highs and lows each causing a rise in systolic b.p., (sometimes in the 190s, but I can be 125 between the highs and lows. ) I have tried well cooked, grated mushroom and coconut oil to slow absorption down to stabilize blood sugar, but my digestive system is not ready for those just yet. Also working on adding some Cynoplus, very slowly, because I think my T3 protocol too easily gets disrupted when under extreme stress, such as having COVID. Anything that can stabilize the system is good.
@sneedful I am not sure about the biome, but you're right in that it is highly disrupted. I am trying PenVK, just starting today, at Peat doses, 250mg first day, (broken in halves and take twice daily), then 100mg total in 2 divided does for a few days, followed by flowers of sulfur. If the flowers of sulfur doesn't work to reestablish the biome, I can try Chobani yogurt, kefir, etc.
@RPadmirateur flowers of sulfur isnt what i would think of for reestablishing biome. i know the peatarian perspective on the biome and tbh doing the normie stuff like eating a variety of vegetables and different types of fermented food works for me. the gut biome disruption by wuflu can be intense
@sneedful said in How to stabilize blood sugar during COVID illness?:
*flu decimates bifido bacteria to ridiculous low levels. consistently across dozens and dozens of biome tests ive seen posted. natto and kefir might be your best friend after, as well as the normie adjacent gut protocols full of bifidogenic foods. not peaty stuff tho (raw onions, garlic, all sorts of veg and herbs etc)
Sneedy's angle rings with me. Soothe the shit out of that thang (
keep in mind that covid can lead easily to opportunistic bacterial pneumonia. This is one time I would get a chest x-ray is definitive for a diagnosis. There is NO other way to diagnose pneumonia. The chest x-ray is the gold standard.
I got pneumonia from a very severe bird flu and levofloxacin cured it.
My wife got pneumonia from covid and had a similar experience. We'd both be dead without that antibiotic as nothing else worked. I had tried doxy, amoxy, and azithro.
i took amoxicillin while experiencing wuflu for the sore throat (i coughed up a ridiculous amount of phleghm after) and then switched to minocycline after the acute stage was over.. i was also on a high dose of cyproheptadine like 16-24mg a day. i had also taken a ton of methylene blue, (i dont know about mixing MB with minocycline, i think it causes that skin staining way faster [MB being a cycling redox substance and minocycline when oxidized causing the blue tint to tissues] that some people get with long term minocycline use, or maybe wuflu just causes melanin spots / moles [i read alot of reports about that].) luckily i didnt get pneumonia but the gut issues persisted for what felt like ages after and i got all sorts of other weird post wuflu symptoms. took like two years to clear up.
i think really being focused on the gut after the acute illness is over is the best way to dodge around lingering issues. many people i’ve seen got better as they got their lactobacilli and bifido back to normal levels. peatarians avoid probiotics and i think that’s a mistake. me getting significantly better quickly coincided with introducing alot more cooked and raw plant foods to my diet as well as doubling protein intake.
it was crazy tbh and i think i perservered without going to the clinic / hospital / losing my sanity because i experienced chronic fatigue before wuflu days and went through that whole mental trip before and recovered from it mostly. im actually better than i was pre-wuflu now. i , like peat, questioned if wuflu is even novel or new. it is. ive never experienced that kind of dysfunctional smell issue (one night i woke up and all i could smell was feces). and many times when i go to parties , public gatherings now, soon after ill have that tell tale sneezing and a few days of gut inflammation, and occasionally this really weird smell in the hallway/bathroom that is reminiscent of some sort of memory i have when i was like 8 years old idk.
oh yeah, i got over the final hump of post wuflu sequelae with 4mg nicotine gum 3x a day. i had really annoying muscle weakness and weird feeling tissues around my abdomen and pelvic area and it basically cleared up within a week of the nic gum. i had tried smoking tobacco but i dont think i was smoking enough to get that amount of nicotine. i also used other things on and off like emodin.