Solutions for head heaviness?
Was listening to an old generative energy at work today and Danny asked Ray "Does good posture come from good health or does good posture bring good health or vice versa?" and Ray answered along the lines "Good health brings about an energetic and springy individual. Pregnenolone can help to increase that springyness..." So maybe try pregnenolone? lol
Mainstream science says pregnenolone is made from cholesterol. Can you produce good pregnenolone levels eating high cholesterol foods? It does say olive oil and coconut oil, which sounds fine.
Lol... "Dr. Petre."
There are good fats, too, which can help protect the heart instead of hurting it, Dr. Petre says. "Eating healthy fats like nuts, fish, avocado, chia or flax seeds, olive or coconut oil will naturally increase the [material] needed to make more pregnenolone," she says.
I wonder if they're trying to clown Peat.
"When we metabolize cholesterol, what happens is under the influence of thyroid hormone, which stimulates oxidation, and vitamin A, which activates the enzymes to clip a chain off cholesterol, thyroid and vitamin A are the factors we need mostly for producing pregnenolone from cholesterol. So if you're low in cholesterol or thyroid or vitamin A, you're necessarily going to be deficient in pregnenolone, and pregnenolone is the immediate precursor to progesterone and DHEA."
I'm not really big on supplements beyond aspirin but I suppose you make a good point.
I tried pregnenolone last summer/fall, didn’t really do much for me. I’m envious of the folks who report any of the positive effects from reduced anxiety, improved mood, and increased energy. I’ve tested at doses of 70–150 mg, which I think is pretty standard. Do I need to increase the dose? Also, I have the powder from Health Natura and I usually tried to let it dissolve sublingually on an empty stomach, I’m assuming this is the best way to take it.
I don’t think I have issues with cholesterol conversion. I get anywhere between 70-120 g fat/day depending on if I’m trying to eat lower fat. I eat 3 eggs/day and ample dairy products, so I must be getting more than enough dietary cholesterol. Blood cholesterol is in the 170-180s, which isn’t too high nor too low I think.
Being the dietitian I am, I almost always get most of my nutrition/micronutrients from food and so I only supplement periodically (a bottle of B-vitamins or thiamine every once in a while), otherwise I’m pretty skeptical of supplements out there, plus too many supplements might cause issues as Peat suggested. I understand aspirin’s safety but I also only use it sparingly, I try not to use anything if I don’t have any overt/exaggerated symptoms. -
hmm. I've actually had a heavy head lately. To me it feels like a direct consequence of restraint of language, feeling anger, and lack of personal space.
I wonder if you feel crowded or lack personal space? In the past I've worked in open office plans and it was awful - the strain required to think and drown out noise, plus the feeling of exposure and lack of personal space. I don't know, just throwing out ideas that may help. -
My office space at work is right by a nursing station, which is usually bustling and noisy, so that tracks. I can close my door and put headphones on, but often the sound bleeds in, so this could certainly be a factor. It didn’t always used to be an issue, but I feel like it’s definitely contributed to feelings of fatigue way more over the past year.
@peatyRD sounds like it.
Buteyko or periodic breathing techniques, EFD or getting a break and going outside.