Do some people have problems with DMSO? I've seen people complaining about it before but can't recall why.

Milk Destroyer
@Milk Destroyer
"""Peating""" since early 2021.
Latest posts made by Milk Destroyer
RE: How to create the Idea Labs product 'Magnoil' for less than a tenth of the price compared to IdeaLabs, whilst maintaining the exact same USP/ Food Grade quality.
RE: Peat did not believe in the androgenic man?
When he was younger he did forestry work and played sports! I think he had a good balance of masculine/feminine, if such a thing even exists.
RE: High-Fat Diet Triggers Memory Decline Within Days
@ThinPicking Just forget it all bros...
RE: Why didn't Peating™ work for Charlie of the Ray Peat Forum dot com?
@ThinPicking Charlie is a really strange character. On one hand, in older posts he can often come across as some nice guy that is trying to learn with everyone else. On the other hand, it appeared as if he was a compulsive liar and very manic in some regards. I dare say, he seems to have switched to a more manic guy post pandemic or even just changed person entirely. I wonder what happened in his life to push him to be like that or if "charlie" is even one person.
RE: peaty books
I have these 3 on my list after hearing Ray talk about them in regards to things that sounded interesting: Ray mentioned this book when talking about "evidence of an afterlife". Stories about Synchronocity. Ray said this book gives example of communism's relation to early Christian ideas.
RE: Solutions for head heaviness?
Was listening to an old generative energy at work today and Danny asked Ray "Does good posture come from good health or does good posture bring good health or vice versa?" and Ray answered along the lines "Good health brings about an energetic and springy individual. Pregnenolone can help to increase that springyness..." So maybe try pregnenolone? lol
RE: Progest-E and Hormonal Birth Control
@Nik Remove conventional birth control. Condoms are so much safer. Estrogens and progestins are very inflammatory. Though I guess you are asking in this way because she doesn't want to drop it for some reason. I think Progest-E would still be helpful for her even on birth control but as long as she is on birth control I don't know if she'll make big improvements in health.
RE: Why are raw vegan “sugar free” desserts so much tastier than desserts with sugar?
Well, white sugar is just sweet. Fruits have more flavours.
RE: Forum seems kinda dead... What other forums do you guys use
I think a lot of people in this sphere just use twitter right now