Awful brain processing speed
@lobotomize-me did you grow up reading books a lot
Just found out that I have one of the worst brain processing speeds in my country
This is not a thing. This does not exist.
@ThinPicking it’s a psyop by the country to make him feel demoralized
install more RAM or get a bigger processor. -
Taking thyroid (T3 + T4) increased my brain processing speed.
@sushi_is_cringe i believe i read a normal amount of books not mire than the common person
@Alomongerpete will try that out
@sushi_is_cringe always had coaches tell me i should play faster so i am fearing it is true
@lobotomize-me Just do the Peating right and thoroughly. Perceive. Think. Act. This should make your mind work better.
By the way, faster processing speed isn't always better as explained in this lecture
And just a tip, for example, a small dose of sodium bicarbonate may temporarily make your brain work a lot faster.
@lobotomize-me said in Awful brain processing speed:
@sushi_is_cringe always had coaches tell me i should play faster so i am fearing it is true
Try not to confuse motivation coaching with reality. The military does it best and worst.
The brain can change itself (structural neuroplasticity).
Have you tried drinking more coffee? I always feel my sharpest after a couple of espresso shots alongside a hearty breakfast.
@lobotomize-me your chosen username implies you also like to self abuse