How do I get rid of acne marks??
Guys just letting you know that I know almost nothiing about peating and I haven't done any research on acne marks.
I found this forum and am just shooting my questions here...So I've had acne since I was 13 years old and still have outbreaks but not as much...
Never paid attention to them as they slowly started accumulating and I got used to seeing myself with them and unconsciously formed my image with them as normal...It was only until today that I saw myself carefully in the mirror, noticed the marks and it clicked to me that having them is not normal...
I pictured my face without them...
Imagined my current face minus the marks... I look absoultely amazing!
I am willing to go any distance to get a clear face.... Question is how do I get rid of them?
@uday I googled 'acne' & I came across this thread about a teenager getting fed estrogen to make him a nicer person & grew legit boobs.
Anyways whatever your acne is caused by can be one of a ton of things. Vitamin D defieciency, inactive thryoid, plain-old PUFA (polyunsatured fats), stress, lack of nutritous food in general, high estrogen/testosterone, legit disease...
I can't diagnose you, but you might be better off trying Ray Peat dieting in general.
Try getting more vitamin A? Also accutane could be a last-resort nuke for acne I hear
Tretinoin is effective in reducing skin scarring. Probably your best bet!
Dietary glycoaminoglycans from eating bone marrow and supplementing collagen can help you create new elastin and collagen in the epidermis
Azelaic acid, alpha arbutin, tranexamic acid can help with the redness and uneven skin tone
Tretinoin is hit and miss for scarring and if you go out into the sun without protection it can make things worse.
Wild Card solution:A surefire solution would be an extreme chemical peel like 15% trichloroacetic acid, or phenol, but i strongly advise you do not do this unless you can stay indoors for over a week and your moisturising, sunscreen game is on point. You could ruin your skin for life if you do not take any of these things deadly serious. no amount of Peaty interventions will save you from the fuckery this can cause to your skin if you do not use sunscreen even if indoors if you decide go through with this. The upside though is it will eradicate all scarring, discolouration and unevenness after only 2 applications applied a month or 2 apart. This is hardcore shit. If you have the money you can go to a derm and have them do it for you, but it's costly
@CurmudgeonApple theres no relation between tretinoin and sun tanning. If anything it offers a protective benefit
The absolute best article I've ever seen on this was an interview with Georgi Dinkov (Haidut) and Emma Sgourakis.
#1. Issue is: ENDOTOXIN.
How to address this? Improve your digestion and KILL the endotoxins, and your skin will surely heal!
You might need a round of antibiotics first, but maybe not. Important part is you must commit to 100% avoiding: PUFAs, emulsifiers, xenoestrogens, gums, MSG, fortified iron. AND incorporating food that will HEAL your digestion and hormones: Gelatin, fresh juice, goat milk, fruit, tough-fibrous meats (brisket, shank, oxtail), liver (occasionally), oysters (occasionally).
@thyroidchor27 i mean, it doesn't? Tretinoin increases photo sensitivity for the first 6 months of use quite considerably. Other than that being common knowledge, i can also vouch for the fact having used it. I think you might be thinking of Tazarotene which is a derivative of Retinoic Acid which supposedly has decreased photo sensitivity, and Adapalene would be another that makes the same claims. Tretinoin though is definitely not something i would sun tan with. More to the point, if photo sensitivity was not the issue at hand, most retinoids break down when exposed to UV light because of accelerated oxidation and breaking down into the byproducts of ketone and epoxides of retinoic acid rendering it useless
@CurmudgeonApple Ive used tret for three years , I experienced 0 photosensitivity. If anything people mistake the general irritation from it as irritation from the Sun, when in reality even if they applied it in complete darkness theyd feel the same. Tretinoin actually reverses photoaging and also makes your skin less sensitive to sunlights damaging effects: