Dr. Ben Edwards interview Georgi Dinkov about food metabolism and diets.
The first 1/3 of interview was posted on Youtube earlier this week. The interview is from July of 2023, but it is new to me. Enjoy.
@DavidPS thank you
This is one of my favorite Dinkov interviews, because I learned one critical thing here, which I never knew before:- Why non-aged beef is much better:
Glycogen is stored in muscle and liver, so if you are eating FRESH meat, you are eating a lot of stored glucose, 3:1 ratio of carbs to protein.
In aged meat, bacteria consume the glycogen in the meat, so you are just getting protein, with no glycogen.
In aged meat, the bacteria also produce a lot of lactic acid (D-lactate). Also, the increased turnover of the gram- bacteria produces a lot of endotoxin.
Also, our bodies are made to use L-lactate, not the D-lactate in aged meat.
Minute 31
- Why non-aged beef is much better: