Critique or provide potential additions to my protocol
Question: is a strict adherence to a daily detailed protocol peaty?
What about Think. Perceive. Act?
Do you plan to adjust doses/schedule according to your conditions (external eg. the season, internal: amount of effort/stress. etc.) and also adapt the plan as you progress with your health...Have you also considered a conditional way, i.e.: IF "I feel/do more of X" THEN "I will increase/decrease Y", etc.?
Have you considered having one (maybe random) day of a week a protocol-free day? Or just alternate different protocols?
@Kvirion Yes I have but I also don't feel the need to make sure everything I do aligns perfectly with what Ray Peat liked. I was always like you and thought that protocols were dumb but as said, I just want to see what I can do by putting the ideas in a more formalized, measurable form. This wont be a forever thing but im interested in finding out what an ideal protocol might look like for me in regards to bioenergetics. And yes I will change it up depending on how I feel but I want a solid base to start off with and go from there. Its not like my protocol is really hard to follow or time consuming I think its fairly casual so it may not be necessary to have a day off as you said
It probably doesn't change much, but I like to do "Bag breathing"/Buteyko after training to take advantage of the high CO2 production and possibly reduce lactate.
They say that PGE2 is important for hypertrophy, aren't you worried to use aspirin on the same day as weightlifting?
@TexugoDoMel Great points, And thank you, Ill switch aspirin to tues, thurs, sat. I didnt even think of that
@urbrainonsugar OK, then I can't agree more. Thanks for the explanation.
I don't see vitamin E on your protocol.
What about gelatin - have you thought about minimizing methionine, and cysteine consumption? -
@Kvirion Vit e is definitely something i want to experiment with and its on my list of things to buy. Yeah i should also do a quick write up on the foods i will be eating as well. Im aiming for a significant amount of gelatin from powder but also from gelatinous cuts of meat. I havent really considered limiting methionine and cysteine specifically but ill be limiting muscle meats to a degree which should take care of most of the potential issues regarding that without having to take too many things out diet wise. Thank you
@urbrainonsugar OK, that's good
I wish you well on the peatarian path! -
Looks good to me. What type of alcohol are you taking, and why?
@PissBoy are the cheap grounding bracelets on amazon ok? the ones that plug into a socket
@jhp It''s good to know this about grounding