Do you use condoms?
Condoms seem to be fairly toxic, at least conventional ones. Lots of junk on them. I wonder how are most people avoiding accidental pregnancy? Just pulling out and cycle tracking?
@risk What junk ingredients and materials are you referring to? There are many types of condoms.
@tea Nitrosamines, spermicides, parabens, etc.
Luckily not something I will ever have to worry about.
Never brah
@risk tbh I'm not sure I would wanna hit it if a girl ever asked me to wear one
Looks like lambskin condoms would be the way to go if you had to use one?
@Cristiano what do you do to avoid making a baby then?
@Shar_to_the_dae 🧐
The pullout method is solid and also learning their fertility cycle. Combined is quite effective.
People here shouldn't have to worry about condoms since if we were having sex with women and being normal, we wouldn't be rubbing Bulgarian research chemicals that some fat bald guy sold us on our testicles.
Absolutely not, never have never will. Sex is for procreating. If you're not ready to procreate don't get married, don't have sex.
@risk Pull out
No lol. Condoms are for the cucked.