Every way I know to grow taller and increase bone mineral density with explanations
every single way I know to grow taller, Ask questions or add.
Red light Before sleep and upon waking (redlight upregulates hgh increase androsterone)
Sleep at 8:30PM Blue light blockers on before (extremely important sleep before 12 is way better)
Grounded Sheets and pillow case connected to a water pipe (less inflammation)
High dose Mk-7 Mk-4 K1 K2 (Move your calcium into the correct place)
Collagen supplement (building block of cartiliage )
Vitamin C (increase igf-1 increase hgh eat in the morning)
Magnesium Glycinate (better sleep)
Magnesium Threonate (better sleep)
completely dark room with no noise (better sleep)
OptiZinc (Zinc and copper important for growth)
Pineapple (increased absorption of protien)
Eat gooey cheeses (high quality k2)
Seaweed boiled with milk (Said by raypeat to be a thyroid kickstarter)
1 carrot a day atleast (less estrogen proved to lower cancer chance)
2 gallons of milk a week If possible raw,or Grass fed or Organic (Milk Stop growth plate fusion in studies and is extremely healthy)
Shilajit (more minerals more androgens more hormones get high quality one)
Block Estrogen as much as possible (estrogen is not needed for bone growth will only close plates)
Iodine (thyroid health)
Carnitine (increase bone density)
Creatine (increases androgens)
Taurine (important for growth)
Boron (important for growth)
Selenium (important for growth)
Sauna (increase hgh)
If sauna is not possible bathe in milk ACV Epsom salt ginger Cinnamon Baking soda Himilayan salt or celtic salt
Stretch body in bed upon waking
grounding (little inflammation is important)
Apple cider vinegar (increases bone density)
Vitamin d3 10,000iu
Get as much sun as possible
increasing Co2
bag breathing (increase Co2)
Baking soda with water (better sleep)
Micropore tape while sleeping (better sleep)
1g of protein per pound you weigh (more igf-1)
Don't eat before bed (better sleep)
No tight clothing preferably a size larger No rings No underwear at home (think of a plant)
Affirmations (you are 6'8)
precieve you are your desired height (you are growing taller everyday)
Binurials (you are tall)
training your shins by hitting them with something very hard (microfractures)
High Androgens/High T High DHT
High Metabolism
Be a good person/have good karma (Mrbeast growing to 6'5 even tho he has crohn's disease which stunts growth)
Blueberries (increase igf-1)
osteocalcin max (SUN)
Vitamin K2 on the back of the knees after dermarolling
Eat in a surplus (every 6.6lbs of weight gained = an inch of height)
Increase cell proliferation (do your own research)
eggs everyday, possibly raw (good for hormones )
Wolff's Law
be stress free
Keep phone on airplane mode whenever possible (less EMF)
Cinnamon tea (increase igf-1)
Laying down whenever possible (growth only occurs laying down)
Live in higher altitude (more hormones more co2)
LSJL (Clamping your bones increases bone growth)
Clamping (Clamping your bones increases bone growth)
Steroids or HGH before 25 (growth plates still not fully closed)
In early 20s increasing Protein intake double (more igf-1)
Bone lengthenting with heat, Stretching in Sauna/bathtub (heat has been shown to increase bone growth)
Sit ups on a Inversion table (inversion table increased thickness of the skull and stretch your spine)
Royal Jelly (increased height in studies)
Live next to a waterfall Purify the air and increase positive ions
Have a quiet fountain inside your room (Purify the air and increase positive ions)
Parasite cleanse (They steal your food!!)
Mewing (better air)
Plants inside your room (better air)
Cupping (increased blood flow)
Bone marrow (important for bone repair)
Topical DHEA (more hormones more growth)
pregnenolone (more hormones more growth)
pramipexole (steroid)
Anavar (steroid)
Cjc dac (steroid)
mk677 (steroid)
Niacin (increased blood flow)
Flurbiprofen (steroid)
White Button Mushrooms (potent aromatase inhibitor)
L-Arginine (increase blood flow)
Glycine (sleep better important amino acid)
Gaba (sleep better)
Valerian (increase Gaba better sleep)
L-Glutamine maintain morning height but closes growth plates quicker
stimulate mTOR (increases cell growth )
Workout neck Shoulder Shrugs (Could possibly stretch the neck)
Chamomile (sleep better)
L theanine (sleep better)
Methylene blue (increase mitochondria function)
top of bed Elevated 6-8 inches (improved blood circulation reduces acid reflux sleep better stretch the spine )
Sleep on your back (optimal position for height growth)
Hot shower or bath before bed (help you sleep better)
Cold shower or ice bath in the morning (you want fluctuations of hot and cold and might help you sleep better in the day)
reduce PUFA
Non toxic laundry detergent
chondroitin sulfate although closes growth plates early (maintains morning height)
Don't use the microwave (toxic)
Don't use the airfryer (teflon)
BCAA Capsules with Leucine Isoleucine and Valine Ornithine (important amino acids for growth)
Avoid stress on the spine (could mitigate growth)
do quick sprints (more hormones androgens and microfractures)
vitamin B1 (more co2 )
possibly Choline Betaine Carnosine
detox from heavy metals (less inflammation process food better)
Gut cleanse
Don't use toxic pots and pans
baking soda soap (all soap is endocrine disruptor)
Pine pollen (more androgens more growth)
Tongkat Ali (more androgens more growth)
maximizing thyroid health (more hormones more growth)
No flouride/use RO nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste (flouride stunts growth)
Bone broth (building blocks of cartilage)
avoid plastic/plastic wrap/ramen avoid low quality food in general
avoid aluminum foil on food
avoid soy
avoid EMF
lymphatic drainage massage (increased blood flow increased mitosis)
Don't use a toxic deodorant
Add coconut oil to diet
Frankfurt plane (proper posture)
lysine-inositol (Random study showed it increased growth)
diet roquefortine strain cheeses (higher quality of k2)
blue light blockers once the sun sets (proper circadian rythm)
be anti-inflammatory (bone can be more efficiently repaired)
hydroxyapatite crystals (important for bone building)
celery (increase androsterone induce hyperthyroidism)
parsley (detox from heavy metals)
hot bath before doing jumps (more fluid)
vibrate entire body (more fluid)
increase fluid in bone (more fluid more growth)
megadose red clover (boosts bone mineral density)
oysters (increases IGF-1 and thickness of growth plates)
chocolate milk after workout (high hgh > spikes insulin > converts to igf-1)
aluminum foil under you mattress (so your bed isn't an EMF antenna)
walk with weight (proven to increase bone density)
massai jumps (when doing massai jumps do buteyko more co2 more acidic load in blood calcium releases defends bones to buffer the co2 bone cells break down and remodel the bone)
homeostasis with your amino acid profile (you need the building blocks of cartilage so your body doesn't utilize itself to grow)
being in a hot environment (increases mitosis (body needs more surface area to cool down)
1000 mg Alpha-GPC on an empty stomach (similar to taking mk-677 )
Correct posture walking and not having Flat feet (instead of being horizontal your vertical)
tribulus (More androgens more growth)
androsterone (More androgens more growth)
gelatin (Building blocks for cartilage)
orange juice (increase igf-1)Past growth plate closure you need to Influence bone adaptation through homeostatic regulation. How do you achieve homeostatic regulation? it's achieved from balancing amino acids in your body (homeostasis) a second theory has conflicting results with this "mechanostat hypothesis" but it still leads to the same outcome of growing taller so might as well try doing both. instead epigenetic regulation involves positive feedback loops that drive differentiation, compelling elements of the bone system choose between two extreme levels called attractors. lamellar bone formation is regulated homeostatically, while the formation of woven-fibered bone or fracture callus is regulated epigenetically. Woven bone formation, in particular, is attributed to a positive feedback loop involving factors like transforming growth factor beta (TGF beta), insulin-like growth factor (IGF), and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). This positive feedback loop stimulates osteoblasts to a state of increased individual activity.
do Massai jumps to create microfractures Reach Homeostasis with your amino acid profile for proper building blocks of cartilage
A good amount of this stuff you only need to put in place once and it stays there forever This is in general just living a healthy lifestyle the more you compound on top of each other the quicker you will grow taller
Honestly one day I just decided I was gonna be taller and since then I’m the same height as my father who was 2-3 inches taller before.
@sphenoid It's that simple too just believe it
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@1L appreciate the formatting, mate. Will give this a looksee tomorrow
@1L I don’t think my femurs expanded by a couple inches overnight or something, it felt more like a subconscious postural shift through my spine that I realized working within a few weeks. Believing it’s yours and internally seizing/being it is a pretty common concept through most religions/metaphysical belief systems. If you constantly want to be taller you will forever remain in the state of wanting to be so. Only when you accept that are already so that you will finally grow. This is probably why a lot of people remain ill because they’re constantly trying to be healthy instead of just being healthy. It’s easier said than done for most because we’ve been psyopped since birth. But believing is fundamental for all pursuits.
roiding and vegetarian peating
9:1 cortinon:androsterone ratio (estrogen destroys ur bones so you wanna keep that down by 2 drops of androsterone daily, cortinon to buffer the andro and other synergies). lol
lots of dairy, fruit, sugar, oj, low fat milk for more calcium less estrogen/fat, sunlight - to improve mitochondrial health
too much meat will emphasize muscles rather than bone (theory on why i chose vegetarian)
all of this prob won't work if you have low thyroid tho.
the roiding part is prolly if your 25+ and desperate. If you're younger, peating will prolly help u grow regardless.
how many inches have you grown with these methods?
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@sphenoid I've read many testimonies from people who've grown taller in their 20s and 30s by several inches or more using LoA (law of attraction/assumption), typically achieving their desired height within a few months. Repeating an affirmation like "I'm so tall", "I'm becoming [insert desired height]", or "I can feel my body lengthening" etc throughout the day, subliminals and audio recordings, and visualizing your environment from a taller height, all are very effective techniques.
I haven't done much to try and manifest height yet, but about a month ago I went into a height visualization for about an hour while laying on the couch, just repeating affirmations and imagining my environment from a taller perspective on loop, and when I stood up -- I shit you not -- I was painfully sore in my knees and hips. I was walking funny for a couple days afterwards.
It makes sense to me that LoA would be the most reliable way to grow taller because your body has to release a cocktail of hormones you simply cannot replicate with food and supplements alone. Your subconscious controls your brain which controls your hormones, and you impress your subconscious with your repeated thoughts and imagination; but persistence is key.
@1L Thanks for the list
A few questions :
How do you connect your sheets/pillow case to your water pipe? Im assuming you mean copper water pipes or will it work with other metals? -
@zgoombrah Yes, I think one of the biggest points missed in people who follow Peat's ideas is the disconnect with your own consciousness. So many people here are stuck trying to be healthy by taking supplements or doing X, Y, Z that they never truly enter the state of being healthy. My favorite quote: "Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." (Mark 11:24). The important part here is the "believe that you have received it" as if it's a present reality and/or past fact that has already taken place. Most place their desire into the future like a carrot on a stick and are stuck chasing it forever.
If you haven't, I would read the book "You are the Placebo" by Joe Dispenza, he has some good stories about how himself and others generated incredible feats of healing through their own will. What it shows is that your consciousness is not separate from your body at any level and that you can even influence your bones if you have the faith. I make and use custom hemi-sync, binaural beats, and subliminals for this purpose, not necessarily specific to height, but to gain coherence within my whole body. Also think dopamine and lowered serotonin is really important as well.
@metabolicmilk maybe try reading this https://naturesplatform.com/earthing.html
people talking about increasing height when they cant even prevent their penis from turtling up after a thyroid microdose
@Kilgore i see your trying but your most likely not maxing out your growth potential and u could have gave me some credit
reread my post the homeostasis part is very important
@1L said in Every way I know to grow taller and increase bone mineral density with explanations:
reread my post the homeostasis part is very important
Expand on that please.
u could have gave me some credit
I gave at the bottom I wrote how I got all this knowledge from posts on here and RPF. But I will maybe link the posts if Im bored later.
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