blue light blockers
been struggling with my sight lately and i think its partially fatigue caused by long screentime and tons of LED lights everywhere. i've been considering getting a pair of blue light blockers.
anyone here wear them, do they make a difference? brand recommendations?
@killchaos is great. Definitely pricey, but I can tell the difference. I work a lot on my computer so I use the daytime ones and transition to the night time ones after sunset. I sleep much better when wearing them and I feel far less stress on my eyes
@reformedski these look great but definitely a bit out of my immediate price range lol. if i had to get only one pair, which do you think is better?
@killchaos pros and cons to both. The night time ones are very "red" and it makes it a bit weird and tough to look at a screen with it but they are definitely more effective in terms of blocking blue light. The day time ones are definitely better to use for a screen but sometimes it can be tough. If you use a lot of excel and powerpoint, you would probably have to take them off sometimes to see colors better
You can get red wraparound safety glasses for very cheap.
I know it's pricey but I love my e-ink screen. Totally solves this problem, which is indeed a very bad problem in my experience. It's not just the eyes but the brain that's getting hurt, at least that's the way it feels to me!
@reformedski might opt for a red pair then. i'm an artist and already used to using a screen dimmer messing with my colors, so i'd just have to work with it. but 164 plus international shipping would sting a bit right now.
@insufferable safety glasses would work at home, but maybe not outside lol. i also have to use a large screen tablet for my work, if e-ink ones exist i imagine they're even pricier. i'll keep that in mind for the future though, it does sound very appealing.
@killchaos I have heard that these are good as well and they are decently cheaper:
for even cheaper, I have heard these are pretty awesome too for the price:
I just can't personally attest to them
I have been pleasantly surprised with this $20 pair from amazog, the UVEX wraparounds fog up too much and I refuse to pay $100 to GriftBrah
@reformedski @stag these look promising, thank you.
decided to order the truedark ones, both day and twilight. it's gonna take a while until i get them and try them out, i'll write what i think if i remember to.
they came in, nice quality. been wearing them for the last 2 days. they do really take the edge off my monitors. checking how my colors look after a few hours of wearing them feels like im getting flashbanged now.