The Randall effect - my understanding
I think concentrating most fat intake into one meal is helping my digestion -
lots of sugar (skim milk coffee, OJ) in the morning,
heavy protein/sat fat for lunch,
then back to sugars in the evening. Ideally more saturated fat before bed as well.My understanding of the Randall effect is if there are too much free fatty acids in the blood it's hard for the body to absorb the sugar you ingest, so timing one meal of mostly fat and protein gives the body enough time to process the fats before going back to sugar mode... Am I way off on this? Thoughts?
@kenji i think the heavy protein and fat lunch would make a high sugar dinner “worse”. Protein effects can last 12 hours if I remember correctly.
@ccousz Damn ok. I'll keep this in mind. I've heard big protein before bed is no good as well. Must be an ideal approach to this
@kenji When u eat a low fat high carb meal it will probably make your blood sugar crash quicker increasing adrenaline and lipolysis, more fat in the blood. The body does its best to balance out.
Eating in a way that balances blood sugar throughout the day will help reduce the stress hormones. Which is usually a more balanced macro meal. 2-3 times carb to protein and enough fat to make it last. The high stress hormones is what really increases systemic free fatty acids and can be more problematic than fat from a single meal.
But the Randal cycle is helpful for slowing down glucose uptake so u can go meal to meal with ease and not dip into stress.
Anything else just seems like a misunderstanding of that system leading to weird food ocd
@BroJonas Ok thank you this is making sense to me, I'll see if I notice this in practice