The coming of the ultimate Aryan eugenic supercycle - an explanation of metabolic group hierarchy
People who are young, beautiful, tall, strong, open, light, and with a high metabolic rate are better and more worth than ugly, old, weak, dark, neurotic, cold, hibernating animals. Males are better than women due to higher brain, bone, and muscle mass(better structure), and higher metabolism(better energetic flow). There is also a direct link between Aryanism and human quality. When you raise your metabolism, you will get lighter skin and lighter eyes. Africans have a fucked up gut, which is why they are lactose intolerant. They are also structurally an ape, so their energy levels do not help to foster beauty and intelligence to the same degree as in Aryans. Asians have had millenniums of protein deficiencies. It also probably didn't help that they bred with the fish protein instead of consuming it. Asians have also bred for mediocracy for social reasons. This is why they have less genetic variance within races, and this is linked to low openness. All Southeast Asians are mid.
Aryan supremacy came about as you need a higher metabolic rate to survive and thrive in colder climates. People in the Nordics not only have a cold climate, but also have an ample supply of sugar, protein, and sun. This is not the case for eksimooses, who lack sugar and sun. The heroic ornate nature of Northern Europe also helped Aryan growth. The differences between the races have increased over time, especially after the gay neolithic revolution. The Industrial Revolution also increased the difference due to the high birth rate. Now the latest technological revolution will put Aryans even further ahead. Peaterianism will also be adopted amongst Aryans and Jews before other lesser races.
The Aryan 10,000-year structural advantage will increase in value as we now stand at the dawn of an eugenic supercycle. If Aryans have a structural value of 10 and Nigerians have a structural value of 3, then maximizing energy levels to 10 for both these groups will lead to an increased difference in quality. You can basically multiply 10X10 and compare it to 3X10. you as a geek object as better energy will improve the structure, but this is a very slow process. The 10,000-year advantage is enormous. A maximum-energized Nigerian might be extremely talented at chimping or ballplaying, but the difference in creative and economic output between him and a low-energized Nigerian isn't that great. If you take Aryans with their great structure and improve the energy input, you will see massive improvements in innovation and human flourishment. This is the difference between Aristotle(nordic for sure) and Kant, and Kevin großkreutz. In other words, the superior Aryan structure can be leveraged much more by increased energy than the inferior structure of other races. This is also true within races, and between genders. Aryans have already adopted technological mating. The average IQ at sperm donation banks is much higher than in the public at large. Now 2% of children are born from such donations. This will improve the structure. There was also a study from Sweden that showed that upper-middle-class women have more children than slum rats. We also abort retards now. Several European countries do not have people with too many chromosomes being born now. Aryan retards by the way have higher IQs than regular Africans. This seems to be correct as even people in Africa with great diets seem to be really fucking stupid. Anyway, we will select better people and soon Peating will go mainstream in the Western world. All dieters end up with peating sooner or later. When people start improving their energy levels, the structure will be the main limit to their human potential. We will end up with an Aryan master race so far beyond what any of you can imagine. The structure is already in place, but you have no idea what proper energy input will do, I can guarantee you that the technological advances will provide us with insane eugenic opportunities within the genetic pool that Aryans have in place right now. We can thank God for this opportunity to foster a true Aryan babylonic society that will be the spectacular glory of all ages. We will do it, and I am super energized just at the thought of a whole galaxy filled with high-IQ Aryans that bask in the glory of the light.
wrong, light skin is folate deficiency. Greeks were Aryan and know more about ideal Aryan features (wavy hair, high nose bridge, highset cheekbones, tapering jaw, smaller mouth, olive skin) than terminally online celtic subh00mans on twatter
Kant was brachy skull untermenschen.
@Norwegian-Mugabe said in The coming of the ultimate Aryan eugenic supercycle - an explanation of metabolic group hierarchy:
People who are young, beautiful, tall, strong, open, light, and with a high metabolic rate are better and more worth than ugly, old, weak, dark, neurotic, cold, hibernating animals. Males are better than women due to higher brain, bone, and muscle mass(better structure), and higher metabolism(better energetic flow). There is also a direct link between Aryanism and human quality. When you raise your metabolism, you will get lighter skin and lighter eyes. Africans have a fucked up gut, which is why they are lactose intolerant. They are also structurally an ape, so their energy levels do not help to foster beauty and intelligence to the same degree as in Aryans. Asians have had millenniums of protein deficiencies. It also probably didn't help that they bred with the fish protein instead of consuming it. Asians have also bred for mediocracy for social reasons. This is why they have less genetic variance within races, and this is linked to low openness. All Southeast Asians are mid.
Aryan supremacy came about as you need a higher metabolic rate to survive and thrive in colder climates. People in the Nordics not only have a cold climate, but also have an ample supply of sugar, protein, and sun. This is not the case for eksimooses, who lack sugar and sun. The heroic ornate nature of Northern Europe also helped Aryan growth. The differences between the races have increased over time, especially after the gay neolithic revolution. The Industrial Revolution also increased the difference due to the high birth rate. Now the latest technological revolution will put Aryans even further ahead. Peaterianism will also be adopted amongst Aryans and Jews before other lesser races.
The Aryan 10,000-year structural advantage will increase in value as we now stand at the dawn of an eugenic supercycle. If Aryans have a structural value of 10 and Nigerians have a structural value of 3, then maximizing energy levels to 10 for both these groups will lead to an increased difference in quality. You can basically multiply 10X10 and compare it to 3X10. you as a geek object as better energy will improve the structure, but this is a very slow process. The 10,000-year advantage is enormous. A maximum-energized Nigerian might be extremely talented at chimping or ballplaying, but the difference in creative and economic output between him and a low-energized Nigerian isn't that great. If you take Aryans with their great structure and improve the energy input, you will see massive improvements in innovation and human flourishment. This is the difference between Aristotle(nordic for sure) and Kant, and Kevin großkreutz. In other words, the superior Aryan structure can be leveraged much more by increased energy than the inferior structure of other races. This is also true within races, and between genders. Aryans have already adopted technological mating. The average IQ at sperm donation banks is much higher than in the public at large. Now 2% of children are born from such donations. This will improve the structure. There was also a study from Sweden that showed that upper-middle-class women have more children than slum rats. We also abort retards now. Several European countries do not have people with too many chromosomes being born now. Aryan retards by the way have higher IQs than regular Africans. This seems to be correct as even people in Africa with great diets seem to be really fucking stupid. Anyway, we will select better people and soon Peating will go mainstream in the Western world. All dieters end up with peating sooner or later. When people start improving their energy levels, the structure will be the main limit to their human potential. We will end up with an Aryan master race so far beyond what any of you can imagine. The structure is already in place, but you have no idea what proper energy input will do, I can guarantee you that the technological advances will provide us with insane eugenic opportunities within the genetic pool that Aryans have in place right now. We can thank God for this opportunity to foster a true Aryan babylonic society that will be the spectacular glory of all ages. We will do it, and I am super energized just at the thought of a whole galaxy filled with high-IQ Aryans that bask in the glory of the light.
Hi, I read part of your post, you're white and yet some of what you write is stupid, illogical, hateful, and the manifestation of low energy and/or potentially lingering negative emotions against people of color that you've never freed yourself from, there are a myriad of people who are in a better energetic and emotional state than you, and potentially more beautiful than you, who are black and/or of color, and/or who are women
I don't know if you're taking ssris/benzos, or any medication/hormones/supplements that pervert some of your perceptions, or if you have lingering traumas/negative emotions from past bad experiences with people of color or women, I suggest you get more sun, and change your diet/supplements, reduce your masturbation frequency if you do, less bodybuilding, and if you're in an environment that increases your inclination to hate, I suggest you exempt yourself from that for a while
@Truth brooo how to mog like Moose ali khan, he fucked my sister
@Truth Lol, where is the hate brother? I just wrote a positive funny post about the superiority of my own group. Nothing hateful here. Can you name a single Niglet or Nigger that is good-looking? There is a reason Zendaya and Denzel Washington gets the big black movie roles. There aren't any black Brad Pitt or Paul Newman. It is also true that the average IQ in Africa is in the high 60s or low 70s. Nothing hateful about being honest. I am just in a great mood because we will see more eugenics going forward. Things are really improving at a great pace and we will see Aryans of a quality that we have never seen before. Please also read the whole post before answering. The post is very optimistic and positive as I am. I think one should always assume positive intent(unless she says "stop").
@questforhealth we are spreading positivity and knowledge. This is of great value.
What a useless thread, why waste your time posting all this. Could be growing food for the community or doing a million other things.
@questforhealth No they couldn't! We're talking about essentially very useless people here. That's basically where all this mental illness comes from. I don't envy this state of being
Have you read Homo Optimus by Jan Kwasniewski
This is the most nonsensical post ever.
The environment is drowning in pollutants, soil depleted of basic nutrients, plants can even make the right vitamins to move up the food chain with the (missing) micronutrients and you are talking about eugenics...
I know a few families with the first born being good looking then the second born looks ugly as hell... It’s more about nutrition
@questforhealth How can I get Ramirez tier cheekbone with nutrition
@Norwegian-Mugabe said in The coming of the ultimate Aryan eugenic supercycle - an explanation of metabolic group hierarchy:
@Truth Lol, where is the hate brother? I just wrote a positive funny post about the superiority of my own group. Nothing hateful here. Can you name a single Niglet or Nigger that is good-looking? There is a reason Zendaya and Denzel Washington gets the big black movie roles. There aren't any black Brad Pitt or Paul Newman. It is also true that the average IQ in Africa is in the high 60s or low 70s. Nothing hateful about being honest. I am just in a great mood because we will see more eugenics going forward. Things are really improving at a great pace and we will see Aryans of a quality that we have never seen before. Please also read the whole post before answering. The post is very optimistic and positive as I am. I think one should always assume positive intent(unless she says "stop").
@questforhealth we are spreading positivity and knowledge. This is of great value.
It doesn't sound like humor and it's not funny, it seems to fit some of your usual thinking, either you have detestation or very low empathy for people of color and women to the point where it doesn't bother you to write some of this stupid stuff, whether it's one or the other in either case it's caused by low energy and/or lingering negative emotion.
Actors aren't necessarily the most beautiful people on earth
"I.Q." in itself has no value, many people who in theory have a "high I.Q." and who are in a Low degree of energy, well being, low degree of discernment and intelligence on many things, and who have no positive impact and/or have a negative or sub-optimal impact on others. What proportion of Africans do you think have tested compared to the totality, and how do you know that this difference in "i.q." is due to their "genes" rather than their environment?
It's possible that you really think you're in a "great mood" according to your experience of it, yet to write this kind of thing, you're factually far from tending towards a high degree of energy
Real question, no animosity, are you gay?
@questforhealth my mom drank a lot of Coca Cola and coconut oil when in womb. I have monster cheekbones and I even have Infra glabellar notch which neither my parents have. But Ramirez is pure genes his mom had perma stroke face and they prolly just ate rice and beans . His mom was 5’2 dad 5’6 while he’s 6’2 w Dolicocephalic skull and insane frame clavicles
let me give your mum a cum infusion
You obviously choose to ignore what I wrote about Africans and lactose.
You are either setting yourself up for a fall or you are setting the forum up. Either way it won't end well.
This post is deleted! -
@questforhealth she’s old as shit menarche broo . I want to travel back in time and breed Shabana Azmi . Is time travel possible in peatverse
need uranium enema for time travel