Peaty weightloss
Anyone have any tips for weight loss while peating? I think the one thing holding me back is starch consumption- i love me some white rice
I’ve found doing regular sauna sessions(5-6 times a week for me) and restricting bcaa proteins has helped shed off ~25lbs of stubborn fat. You need to detox the toxins that are stored in your fat and getting up a good sweat can do that. As for the bcaa’s, some people who are overweight do not do well on a high protein diet. FireInABottle on YouTube/X explains this topic a lot better than I can, but his concept of bcaa restriction has helped me out.
@parke thank you! never heard of FireInABottle i'll check him out
Hans Amato has a few good videos on his youtube about general weight loss of which some are peaty. I think the main thing is to keep fat low and carbs high, anything below 15-10% fat consumption should be adequate enough for noticeable weight loss, make sure the fat you do eat is saturated.
Self abuse provides the body with a false sense of satisfaction that encourages adipose tissue formation. Step 1, as ever, is NoFap
@NoFapPeating If gooning is really that detrimental to your well being then you have bigger problems to deal with. Increase your dopamine, reduce prolactin (consume eggshells daily). You should be making yourself more resilient through peating not so fragile that you can’t even bust.
@saturnmissiles If I wanted to be like everyone else I could bust 24/7 no problem But I don't want to settle for mediocrity, and I don't want to see anyone else settle for mediocrity either. Why make things unnecessarily hard on yourself?
i'd probably go with a diet like so:
1 oyster
2 eggs
4 tbsp maple syrup
1/3 lb ground beef
1 large potato
8 cups of orange juicethis is all about 1600 calories and fulfills most of your vitamins/minerals. calcium is pretty easy to get from eggshells.