Open discussion on walking
One of the best things you can do is get as far away from the city as possible and get closer to nature for a walk. You can truly feel joy and happiness, and your body and soul thank you for this moment.
Or if you want to solve a problem at work or something else, go for a walk. It’s crazy how quickly your brain can find a solution that seems hard to find if you're in the office or any closed environment. -
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At the the end of a 40 min walk in nature I often feel a headache creeping in. I have come to the conclusion that it must be from low blood sugar. I briefly remember Ray talking about how stimulating a pleasant walk could be.
Read “A Philosophy of Walking” by Frédéric Gros. Good book, at least on famous historical figures who walked often. Nietzsche would walk some ~20 miles a day in the Swiss mountains.
On another note, I have been trying to find a trade wherein walking outdoors, alone, and being paid moderately are present. I’ve found that forestry, mail delivery are some of the few that fit this criteria. Any other ideas?
@Norwegian-Mugabe I walk every day and often think of this quote.
I'd go crazy if I didn't walk.
I always make much better decisions after taking a walk with no phone. Most of the dumb decisions I have made are the result of not walking or walking when listening to a podcast/music
"Sit as little as possible; do not believe any idea that was not born in the open air and of free movement — in which the muscles do not also revel… Sitting still… is the real sin against the Holy Ghost." - Nietzsche
Kant was famous for his walks. Hume wrote that when he would become overwhelmed by doubt and fear by the magnitude of what he was attempting and the possibility of him being wrong, he would go on a walk, spend a little time with friends, and return confident in his work. Thoreau has a book on walking, but I haven't read it. Stimulation of the body stimulates the mind, but the serenity particular to walking seems to produce special effects. I always feel better after a long walk--if nothing else its a good reminder that all you really need are your own two feet. When I was in a very bad place, I wrote down, as a rule: "if you feel like you need someone, go for a walk" and it always worked. In fact, I think I'll go for one now.
If walking is: healthy, enjoyable, and people end up making good deisions/plans while walking, why are the masses so disinclined towards taking a walk?
Walking is without a doubt the single most fundamental factor to my health there is. Diet is a far second. If I make sure to walk at least 2 hours a day everything from my gut to my mind is significantly better.
From Balzac’s Theory of Walking:
“Gait is the physiognomy of the body.
Gaze, voice, respiration, and walk are identical reflections of one's thoughts. Since a man cannot control all of these different and simultaneous signs at once, seek out the one telling the truth, and it will reveal his full self.
Rest is the silence of the body.”
I walk at least 10k steps a day so I’m skinny and burn calories
German guy lost more than 8kg (18lbs) in 4 weeks by simply walking 200 minutes per day, with no change to diet.
Walking excess fat off is the best way to lose weight. Not only is it easy to stick to and enjoyable, but you do not destroy your metabolism in the process. Walking is a far superior way to lose weight than to cut caloric consumption. After all you want to improve the hormonal profle and body composition for the long term.
@zeal 200 min daily, approximately the average time a German spends watching television per day. Oh boy.
This post is deleted! -
@Norwegian-Mugabe said in Open discussion on walking:
Hi @Oj_simpson, I am glad you are free to walk.
Laughed out loud.
@zeal said in Open discussion on walking:
German guy lost more than 8kg (18lbs) in 4 weeks by simply walking 200 minutes per day, with no change to diet.
I‘m a German guy, although not this one, but I can relate. I gained some body fat when I walked way less than I used to. No change in diet. Started to walk more than an hour every day again (plus the walking inside) and lost some of it. Just walking definitely has an impact on my body composition.
A great Meta-study on physical activity and mental health
One in eight people (970 million) worldwide were affected by a mental health disorder. 44% will experience a mental health disorder in their lifetime. This is both tragic and expensive.
physical activity is effective for reducing mild-to-moderate symptoms of depression, anxiety and psychological distress. Resistance exercise had the largest effects on depression, while Yoga and other mind–body exercises were most effective for reducing anxiety. The findings recommends multimodal, moderate and vigorous intensity physical activity.
Physical activity should be a mainstay approach in the management of depression, anxiety and psychological distress. Despite the evidence for the benefits of physical activity, it has not been widely adopted therapeutically. Patient resistance, the difficulty of prescribing and monitoring physical activity in clinical settings, as well as the huge volume of largely incommensurable studies, have probably impeded a wider take-up in practice.
@Norwegian-Mugabe about to walk 7 km following the south Galician Atlantic coast, beaches, nature, sunny day... After 7Km a little mountain with outstanding rock formations (not natural imo) awaits us, and at the top... A perfectly placed pull-up bar between two trees. Happy Saturday
Hi @Martiño , That sounds great. I will go out on a hike now too. You can really feel the pull of the weekend!
Sharing some more articles on the wonderful benefits of walking:
The health benefits of walking are endless
Biggest ever study on walking and mortality
I have to say that I agree with Wes Cecil in the Youtube video I posted earlier. All this focus on time and heart rate is undesirable.