toxic heavy metals everyhwere
fuck the system grow a vegetable garden
@the-MOUSE I can assure you, having family that's done agriculture since coming to the States, that the industry has done it to themselves. Refrain further from using ethnic groups as catch-all terms for your disapproval.
idk. selenium and thiamine are good at protecting from heavy metals. it is possible to overdo it with these, so be aware. thiamine needs sufficient magnesium. studies show vitamin C protecting against heavy metal exposure. so simply have some fruit everyday. avoid meat that someone hunted with lead ammunition. use copper ammunition instead.
milk is considered to be relatively pure of heavy metals, if I remember correctly.
Certainly wrong to say it's the Jews. A lot are just like us. Perhaps not right to say its the Zionists. As A Jew Zionist (as opposed to Christian Zionists) certainly has a right to live in the land of his ancestors (the Sephardim but not the Ashkenazi of Zakarian East European non-Jew descent).
But with Talmudist believing Jews, I would not give them my blessing and say they are innocent parties. For they consider themselves entitled to being that masters of us all, us Gentiles being no different than animals in the way God gave them dominion over us, even if we are as human as they are. We Gentiles are second class in terms of rights. While they falsely accuse Germans of being Aryan white supremacists, their actions actually betray themselves as supremacists, even as they keep saying there is persecution of Jews, even as Jews are actually the most entitled and protected of all races and classes. Reality check .
So, please - blame it on the Talmudists. Not the Jews.There truly are good Jews around.
@yerrag et al
About 10 years ago I had access to some Real Beef from a nearby farmer/neighbour. Totally organic, etc, and was very delicious. Oh yeah, and seemed extremely nourishing.I was researching soil related issues then, for my own garden, and my own interests. Turns out Cadmium is a big component of P in the fertilizers. All of the ones with P. (as in NPK, P= Phosphorus). Wherever they mine the P there is always some Cd. So, where the heaviest grazing is done, on especially dairy! farms, the Cadmium component is very high. This was in NZ, so the small land and big production of dairy and beef products inferred that most was high in Cadmium.
Also of note from that time of my research was that the heavy industries were making trades of waste by-products, so that a bunch of toxic waste materials were inside of the commonly used home garden and lawn 'fertilizer ' type products. Bascially poisoning your own yard, and you pay for it with $$$, and also eat the sh*t if you grow veggies with it. Organic amendments can be better, but not always. .... study up well lads and lassies, it is a jungle out there.
below from [](link url)
Non-nutritive metals, such as cadmium (Cd), occur naturally in all agricultural soils, in soil amendments (e.g. biosolids), and to varying degrees in phosphorous (P) fertilizers. Its persistence in the environment and its uptake and accumulation in the food chain make Cd a public health concern. The main effect of Cd on human health is kidney disease, and although other adverse effects have been reported (e.g. pulmonary, cardiovascular, and musculoskeletal systems), controversy exists regarding their effects. The only known case of Cd toxicity (i.e. itai-itai disease) occurred with subsistence farmers in Japan growing rice on soils contaminated with industrial wastes. Cadmium behaviour in soil and its accumulation by crops is complicated. Numerous factors (e.g. soil pH, organic matter content, salinity, macro and micronutrient fertilizers, crops species and cultivar, and tillage) influence the bioavailability and uptake of Cd by crops. Because fertilization increases the risk of Cd transfer to the food chain, some governments have imposed limits restricting the Cd content of P fertilizers. However, scientific risk assessments have shown that P fertilizer containing Cd is safe and does not pose risk to human health. -
Can I make the inference here that fertilizers used to make food are deliberately being laced with cadmium to pit toxins into the food supply?
Why am I not surprised here?
Is it because that is more the rule than the exception?
That the use of toxins to weaken the health of earth's inhabitants is part of the ecological design of the modern world, as dictated by the powers that be to create a problem where none existed, then to build a system serving the solution to the problem. Such that "value" is created as jobs are created, companies built, an industry sector emerges, one which publicly traded companies can be created that becomes a growth industry upon which billions of dollars of market capitalization can be borne out of problem creation.
Using this model, profit opportunities arise out of creating conflict here and there. In this case, it is the cadmium toxicity making the body having to fight the stresses of toxins.
But cadmium is just one item in the ever expanding imposition of conflicts just so the human condition is such that he is born into a world where just dealing with his own internal bodily conflicts he is already rendered useless to attend to other more worthwhile facets of living that adds meaning.
With conflicts all around and within us, man is stuck to what he may think is his sad destiny as woven by the stars, but is unaware that his plight, as shared by others, is the product of deliberate design not by God, but by the powers that be.
With more such conflicts, man has to spend time praying more and doing less, to earn the grace of a god through miracles and the mercy of saints. Man finds solace in the story of Jobs, who is ever faithful to God, and accepts whatever insults he encounters.
This is how man, where he can bask in glory because of his virtues and his deserves successes, is made less of a whole by allowing himself to be humble and retire to a life spent unfulfilled of his potential, his talents wasted.
Most of the world is thus made a spiritual and intellectual wasteland, with sycophants and drones as leaders of servile states serving an entitled race who deem themselves God's chosen people.
This post is deleted! -
@yerrag how come the article says that Cd occurs naturally in soil amendments and also is in Japanese rice paddies as a result of industrial contamination and you make a post after saying it is deliberate lacing of fertilizers? the article says it comes in phosphorus fertilizer and i have looked it up and it says it is a companion metal in the rock.
because there was also mention prior that corporations were engaging in the trade of toxins or contaminants. if those articles were saying that CD was a natural contaminant in phosphorus fertilizers, how am I not to think that those articles were whitewashing the practice of lacing fertilizers by saying the CD contents were just a natural part of the phosphorus fertilizers?
after all, I don't think this is unusual. As that seems to be the standard by which these corporations operate and the practice is common.
just keep poisoning the food supply chain, and reap the rewards of sickness that is to be served by the welcoming hands of the medical industrial complex and health insurance industry.
the more they sow, the more they reap.
@yerrag Could be even simpler than that. Crappy processing to cut costs that leaves the Cd in the Phosphorous. They find a cheap method for extraction and trade that off, but the rest of the Cd "costs too much" to extract and they claim it's totally natural as cover. That's my take anyways.
@NotShanalotte that's a fair take and I wish it were that simple. just seems to be that the more harm it is the more it will be the process of choice. judged by how I view the medical system and its practices, and every system I imposed on us. I mean, name one industry or institution or branch of government or security service where the shortest distance to a problem is never a straight line, deliberately but often called stupidity but never really is.
there is an established pattern that is unmistakably paved with gotchas and booby traps
@yerrag said in toxic heavy metals everyhwere:
Can I make the inference here that fertilizers used to make food are deliberately being laced with cadmium to pit toxins into the food supply?
Not exactly, as the Cd is found with the Phosphorus where it is mined, but, obviously they wouldn't want to take it out, (costs$$$) and if no immediate health issues present, then they will do it. AND on top of that there are 'other' fillers that are industrial wastes that are recycled, ie - put into the Scott's fertilizer mixes, etc.. . Yes, I totally agree, the Powers that would be are just trying to degrade us, spiritually, physically, mentally, culturally, etc.. .