Getting lean as fuck
I'm not talking about "losing weight. "
I want to be shredded as fuck, i want my wrists to look veiny like hard cocks.Anyone achieved this? How. Only post here if you've achieved it.
@fucker Jarvis, incinerate this nigga's gonads
take steroids
Only Bulgarian-school peating can get you there; and trying to achieve a state like that indefinitely is probably not optimal for health and maybe even the metabolism.
@ATP durianrider is there and he's not Bulgarian
@Chud is this zyzz 7
@fucker The real question is WHY? Women don't like it and it looks weird in real life. It might look cool in pictures.
In college I ate about 1300 kCal per day, hit the heavy bag for three rounds, then on Fridays I would eat as much as I wantee, usually microwave baked poatoes and two frozen pizzas after I ran 1.1 miles (distance down the road and back) then I’d do a workout where I did 3 sets of three in squat, bench, and deadlift followed by a clean an jerk for max weight, a set of dips, chinups, and finally squats to failure.
I had bonery forearms and veins on my abs. I also weighed 136, so I do not recommend but I was min-maxxing money and fitness to avoid loan debt and I had fitness equipment in my garage.
@User69 S-tier androgen production. No shot you were satiated on 1300kcal per day
@PissBoy I was starving all the time, but I also drank insane amounts of coffee which worked as an appetite suppressant.