What to do as a giga fatty?
@grymsky90210 It's the post you were on. But I now see he is alive & well.
@dt So you charge your water with it then drink it? Also what are the side effects and how long have you been doing it?
@Kilgore I wish I wasn’t so skeptical because the woo-woo in me wants to believe. My question is wouldn’t any information stored in the water get undone or just lost as soon as it left the glass and passed your lips? Especially once any of it entered your bloodstream and got vortexed by the heart?
I recall Peat answering someone’s question about drinking solar-charged water where he said that it wouldn’t really matter since the body would immediately re-charge it in its own way.
Could cyanide be made into an infoceutical to poison somebody?
@grymsky90210 The only thing I can say is no, that's not what happens. As for cyanide, maybe. I've had horrible side effects from Pregnenolone in infopathy as I had with regular pregnenolone, so bad effects can occur. Death? Maybe, maybe not.
Substances in the water act differently to their originals. For example, hallucinogens, like psyilocybin, do not have any reported hallucinogenic effect. Psyilocybin makes you feel like a drunk, sometimes.
If we understood better what causes these differences I could give you a definitive answer.
I've been doing it for 3 1/2 months. There have been side effects to almost all substances I've used. If you'll stick to Cocaine, Activated Charcoal before sleep, TocoVit at times, Lisuride if you feel like it. Wormwood if you have water retention and Pregnenolone only at a combo with Cocaine & Wormwood (while tracking health), you can make good use of infopathy. It might change your life. It has certainly changed mine. -
@dt interesting, has there been discussion on dosing?
I’ll probably give it a go, it’s a fairly cheap experiment. Could we infoceutify cocaine back into Mexican Coca Cola right in the bottle?
@grymsky90210 Carbonated water I think is discouraged as a base, but I don't see why you couldn't try. Just don't expect results. Maybe you could leave a bottle open and add to it, gas-free
@grymsky90210 When it comes to dosing the recorded dosage is probably more important than the ingested doses. I recommend trying the lowest available recorded dosage first (when there is a variety, like in androsterone, though I would steer clear from that substance in general).
There is some amount of care you need to put out in regards to how much you ingest certain substances like Aspirin, TocoVit, NDT and the B vitamins, for example. Substances like Cocaine, Wormwood, Lourdes (holy water from france) are substances for which dosing does not matter.
EDIT on dosing: it matters more not the amount consumed but the frequency and spacings between dosings.
@dt Tried it but nothing happened
All I did was run the cocaine imprint through the ic pad on a glass of water 6 times.
@Kilgore did you shake the water for at least 10 secs beforehand?
@dt Kinda but could have done it better.
@Him john pork is calling
Looking for ways to lower serotonin and cortisol may be useful. Belly fat is highly associated with increased cortisol (e.g. Cushing disease as the extreme).
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