Negative Ions, Serotonin and Nature
If you do a search on google of Negative Ions the mainstream consensus is that they are beneficial to the human person because once they enter into the bloodstream they raise Serotonin which by there theory is the happy hormone. Places were negative ions are present are in places like waterfalls, beaches or even your shower.
Anyone have an explanation for this from a Peat perspective?
@Lothric I have a hard time believing that nature is good for you because of serotonin.
Negative ions reduce serotonin..
@yerrag so the mainstreaming saying that it increases it is just an outright lie? Typical
Yes, unfortunately we don't even know really when we are lied to half the time. When we latch on to just one lie, our game is off already. We just move on and adopt the aphorism "Don't worry. Be happy," blame it on genes, walk 10,000 steps each day, and yolo before we age into more sickness and medically divine intervention.