What supplenents should I take as a 16-yo boy
@peatboy2416 said in What supplenents should I take as a 16-yo boy:
Regarding probiotics is yogurt ok?
Variety is thé Key to avoid prédominance of some phyla. Yaourt ok if one Month left to consume. But it IS weak. Greek yaourt IS fine (8-10 %) fat.
WE need thé kind from polyphenols too (fruit veggies).
Kéfir from milk is one option. Still need to vary / change every 2 or 3 weeks. -
@LucH I can do kefir, thank you sir
@peatboy2416 I would try to stay away from vegetables as much as you can, especially raw, extremely unhealthy and toxic.
Don't listen to anyone. I would recommend to read Rays website articles and then make up your own mind slowly, even he was wrong about things. Experiment, follow your instinct. Don't ever trust any authority that tells you what to do.
@natureman said in What supplenents should I take as a 16-yo boy:
I would try to stay away from vegetables as much as you can, especially raw, extremely unhealthy and toxic.
This article is oriented towards a warning for certain types of foods (plants and livestock) which are spoiled by toxins (protection of the species against predators, insects and molds).
I quote RP: “Animal proteins, and fruits, because they contain the lowest levels of toxins, should constitute the basis of the diet. Of course, not all fruits are perfectly safe: avocados, for example, contain so much unsaturated fat that they can be carcinogenic and hepatotoxic.”
It is obvious that there are contraindications, for example in nuts and berries…
Conclusion: All you have succeeded in doing is sowing confusion, by generalizing the warning against plants, under the pretext that pollution contaminates the fields where livestock graze.
A young person who reads this article, without any other context, risks rejecting everything in bulk and becoming anorexic. And if you eat few vegetables, because you live in a very polluted industrial region, like India or Japan, that's no reason to generalize...
You would have done better to warn against a specific type of food, a particular category – for example carrots or almonds – and explain how to circumvent / limit the disadvantages when eating the same type of food too often. Caution on frequency and quantity. It would be wise to vary or moderate ... -
@LucH no, it's mainly about plant toxins and anti-nutrients, which he calls "anti-vitamins", the articl is about that we can't digest raw vegetables, you obviously didn't read it and are spreading misinformation. Our digestive system can't break down raw vegetables to get to the nutrients, Peat has written and talked excessively about this, you would need a specialized system like a rumen of a cow to ferment them.
If you have this article in front of you and still don't understand it means either you're a troll, a liar, or completely brainwashed beyond saving.
I've read the article. And I don't agree with you since I haven't the same analyze. Raw is not bad, nor cooked if ...
Sterile discussion. I stop here because you make supposition and are aggressive and disrespectful. Bye. -
@LucH humans can not draw sufficient nutrients from raw vegetables. Our digestive system is not equipped for it, not even talking about the metabolic damage from the natural plant toxins. A cow has 4 stomachs to achieve this. This is pretty basic science and well established. Read the article and the cited sources. Stop living your delusions and pulling others into it.
@natureman I believe that vegetables provide non-optimal nutrition but that they are mostly harmless
@peatboy2416 unfortunately you are completely mislead on this. Vegetables have goitrogens, lectins, phytic acid and tons of other metabolic disruptors, they are extremely unhealthy in raw form.
You can choose to believe otherwise, but that's just complete delusion. Phsychosis.Very well cooked they are at best a suboptimal famine food, that still can wreck your gut from the fermentable fiber, endotoxin overload.
@natureman That's good in theory but where could I see it in actuality
@peatboy2416 this is the study that Peat used to cite:
The mice from the raw vegetable group degenerated (they can not get nutrients, of course because of the natural plant defense chemicals).
The mice from the cooked canned vegetable group were fine.
@natureman Thank you brother, God bless you, I will hopefully read this later
@peatboy2416 said in What supplenents should I take as a 16-yo boy:
Thank you brother, God bless you, I will hopefully read this later
I won't. Why? I've done it with Luc's pendulum
Here is an excerpt from the cited "study".
Mice were fed with (Lot I):
With added calcium lactate, a mixture of five canned foods: sweet potatoes, spinach, peas, carrots, and roast beef.
=> Lack of nutrients and problems in each choice.
The finest choices to create a havoc- Sweet potatoes: Dirty dozen: Ox3 and a low amount of lectins.
- Spinach: Ox3 (the highest amount) 660 mg. Our kidneys can manage 50 mg Ox per day. 150-250 mg some days if …
- Peas: anti-protease (enzyme to digest meat) and moderate phytic acid and tannins.
- Carrot: Ox3, saponins, tannins, etc. phytates
- Roast beef : roasted = heterocyclic amines (HCAs). Mutagens and carcinogenic.
Comment: If you want to get rid of your grand-ma, give her the same “low toxic foodstuff”.
Useful link:
Clearing up the Confusion about Oxalate Lists
https://bioenergetic.forum/topic/3165/clearing-up-the-confusion-about-oxalate-lists -
@peatboy2416 Avarage teenager in todays world has horrible hormonal profile not just older people. I think there is alot you can take and do. People that tell you to not use supplements is limiting your potential. Argument young people should not supplement contradicts all logic. Even if younger are also fucked in health today just like older people, they still have usually been through less stress and are usually abit healthier, therefore supplements are literally less risky for you. So if you want to maximize your development before its to late you should.
I would not eat alot of vegetables.
I would eat alot of fruits.
Drink alot of milk if you want to get tall. The tallest groups in the world have that one thing in common. The tallest in the world is an African tribe that drink only milk. Other example of milk and height are the Netherlands. Fact that Netherlands is literally also in some areas under sea level and therefore low CO2 tells you how potent milk is.
Try to really find high quality milk.
BLOCK ESTROGEN as fast as you can.
Dont consume pufa.
If you ever get interested in hormones you can ask me and I will help you not do anything damaging.
What I tell you is not legal advice, but just saying, there is so much I would take and do in your situation of being 16 years old in terms of enviroment, food, and supplements.
I think keeping you in the dark just because you are 16 is serotonin or lack of understanding. Cause the "you are developing so dont take supps" when we in this forum talk alot about the effects supplement and enviroment has on development would not make sense and would itself be damaging for your future.
@LucH Ray Peat did not promote the general "Eat vegetables" saying that is drilled into our brains by society on a ridiculous level. He mostly promoted a handful of different vegetables if very well cooked. Fruit on the other hand, he promoted. But as far as I understand he promoted fruit juice above fruit. Ray Peat does not align with your views here to be honest. Biggest reason for this is your view regarding probiotics and bacteria being so beneficial. The few only bacteria strains I ever heard Ray promote was a few bacteria strains that kill other bacteria. Other than that he promoted a sterile colon and the use of antibiotics.
@LucH I hope (Comment: If you want to get rid of your grand-ma, give her the same “low toxic foodstuff”.
) wasnt written to make it seem like he was talking about views aligning more with the low toxin forums than yours. Cause Naturemans views so far in this discussion align more with Ray´s than yours do.
@peatboy2416 Yes it would be good if you did in my opinion
@Uncover I was thinking of magnesium, collagen and zinc and creatine
@Uncover said in What supplenents should I take as a 16-yo boy:
Ray Peat did not promote the general "Eat vegetables" saying that is drilled into our brains by society on a ridiculous level.
Where have you seen I've advised to take vegetables as basic foodstuff.
- My last breakfast was composed of 3 kinds of fruits (pear and clementine) + 100 g (3 oz) of blueberries with 150 g Greek yaourt and 2 tsp coconut sugar.
- My lunch was composed of 2 mashed potatoes, mixed with frozen spinach (or broccoli last week) with one egg (free range), one small onion lightly fried in coconut oil, and half a tbsp. raw butter. + 3 slices of duck breast (100 g).
As spinach is rich in oxalate (660 mg for 100 gr), I took one galet 1000 mg citrate calcium (21 % Ca).
At the evening meal, I'll take 2 doses potassium citrate (1.6 gr x 2) and 1 dose bisglycinate mg (2.5 gr) in a shake (---), one apple cooked in the pan with coconut oil and butter added at the end, 1 slice Gouda cheese, 2 wasa bread slices with butter and leek soup.
Edit: In my shake, I'l add some collagen since the amount of protein is weak.
@peatboy2416 Have you thought about what forms of those? I dont know how new you are to all this but the forms make a difference. But when it comes to Zinc smoked oysters are really good but can cost abit. ground beef got an ok amount also. You could supplement it but I think Zinc is easy to get in food. Magnesium, the form to use it depends abit on the goal etc. Collagen would be ideally from something like homemade oxtail soup but I understand you are a 16 year old and might not have time or funds for that. Collagen can sometimes have residue from manufacturing and then its not even close to as good as if its clean. Same when it commes to additional ingredients, those can sometimes be bad. Creatine its the same deal, really try to find one without a bunch of added ingredients or residue
How is your money situation considering you are 16? Baking soda can be suprisingly beneficial and is incredibly cheap.