did taking Armour the Peat way at night worked for you?
@GRay are you getting enough calcium? Are you consuming liver and oysters once a week? These are pertinent for your nutritional needs
I do everything, thanks for checking on this. Since Peating I have increased my Ca to about 1500mg tot, some from cheese and the rest from Oranges and Bone Meal supplement
@GRay record your diet in cronometer for a week and send me it
I eat pretty much the same. I already saved a usual day of eating plus a day of eating with liver, did not do that with the Oysters.
How do I send it?
@GRay screenshot it and post it
consider I modified this a little, but my Calories and macro goals are the same.
I substitute the banana with 2 corn tortillas for breakfast.
I moved some protein from lunch to dinner, so I get about 50gr protein each meal. I also added about 20gr carbs at lunch, plus I snack fruit or dates before going to bed maybe after dinner too.
On top of this Ca amount, I add 500mg at dinner from bonemeal.
@GRay seems solid though some peatards might give you grief. Do you check your pulse and temp on a regular basis?
@risingfire thanks for looking at it.
I do check temps and pulse, but I think I still need to figure out my Thyroid optimization yet, and straggling a bit with it.
I use the last generation Braun Ear thermometer now, and temp seems to be good most of the time, about 98.6 during the day.
HR though is often low 70's during the day when at rest like seating at the desk, or there is no stress, sometime even about 68.
I take half grain Armor before breakfast, another half before lunch, then I have been experimenting with an additional 1/4 either in the afternoon or before bed. Really trying to understand how to properly time and split during the day my Armour dose. I believe taking it before bed disturb my sleep
@GRay the right way to determine hypothyroidism is check temp and pulse first thing in the am in bed. If your temp and pulse drops after eating, you have high adrenaline
@risingfire what should the pulse be when waking? I took this am my temp before getting out of the bed and it was 98, I believe my pulse before raising is low 60's, same when sleeping
@GRay 70's maybe 80's. If it's the 90's with lower temps it's probably adrenaline
I have measured a coupe of times my am temp before rising with two different thermometers. A glass under armpit shows low tempt at about 97, but the Braun ear always shows about 98.
what do you think about this? if I follow one thermometer I'm hypo, but the other says I'm ok