Pressure feeling in Eyes
What causes eye pressure? Every time I've checked my blood pressure it has been normal. It seems to worse when I am hungry.
@hypermensch are your eyes bulging out more than typical? Or are you speaking about a feeling of pressure within the eye itself?
@NangaParbat It feels like a pressure in or around the eyes. My eyes don't appear to be bulging.
I believe this is a stress response that swells your pituitary behind your eye. It causes your eye to be pushed forward, and can be painful to move your eye around.
@periander345 I've been suspecting something like that, and I've also been suspecting something like Cushing's based on other symptoms
@hypermensch I’m not gonna lie I know a lot of people think the low vitamin A thing is bs (and I’m not totally caught up on the science which I am trying to be) but I’ve been trying it out for like a week and a half now and a lot of the mental problems I’ve been facing and symptoms like head pressure and eye pressure are slowly going away. No idea if it is from lowering vitamin A or other factors but I stopped taking supplements like 3 days ago.
I noticed a couple of years ago when I took Georgi’s retinol product (I thought it would solve my acne which it didn’t) that it would give me head pressure and I acted pretty autistic haha. Just something to think about and possibly experiment with.
It also seems like there is a close relationship between thyroid hormone and VA which I’m not totally caught up but it seems like thyroid may be beneficial (if not necessary) for the proper metabolism of VA. Perhaps the reason people run into trouble with VA is because they overload their system with it even though they are hypothyroid and not able to properly deal with it.
I know this forum is probably gonna be pretty against the low A stuff but it’s been the only thing helping me right now as I deal with Anxiety, head pressure, hand and feet numbness, fibromyalgia type pain felt throughout body, mania, joint pain, GERD (so bad it makes me feel sick) and extreme brain fog etc.
As you can see it’s pretty sever symptoms. They are all slowly going away though and the first thing that is coming back is my mental clarity and head pressure is relieving.
Hope this helps. I’m still very new to this stuff.
@Jakeandpace Fat solubles, especially A and D, can be tricky since they interact with so many other nutrients and are depleted slowly. Supplementation from artificial forms can definitely cause issues in hypometabolic people but I wouldn't go as far as to say that they are toxic. Most supplements in general can be irritating to the gut so stopping them may have provided you relief in that regard.
@sphenoid yes most likely stopping sumps helped my gut issues. Also getting a lot more fibre in now from things like apple and oatbran which seems to help. Even things like orange juice would cause me to go into a sort of GERD attack.
I don't necessarily think fat solubles A and D are toxic, I'm not fully indoctrinated but there must be some reason why limiting VA gives people relief from health problems. There's a thread on the RPF of someone who is trying the low VA diet and he speculates that substances like glyphosate are the reasons so many people have problems with VA which would make sense why some people run into problems and others do not.
Acetazolamide is known to reduce ocular pressure.
@hypermensch I had this for many years, it's something that got solved over a long period of time, so it could have to do with a variety of factors, but I woul say the main way to go about relieving it quickly would be lowering endotoxin (DAILY carrot salad, limitation of starch consumption), increasing calcium, and using beneficial things like aspirin and progesterone.