Bioenergetic Germany
@Melora Danke. Do you perhaps know how long they bought milk there/whether they still do/whether it was good?
Last time I bought fresh milk from a demeter farm, I sadly had a bad reaction (twice on two separate occasions from less than a cup). I got this weird lower GI tract burning sensation.
Does someone have any idea why that might be? I have lower GI tract issues. Tried to fix it for years now, and heard fresh milk works like magic for some. So I want to give it another go.
@YellowCanary Sorry, I don't know if they still buy there, it was a couple years ago and I'm no longer in touch. But they bought the milk very often and liked it a lot. Not sure if anything has changed.
Interesting about the reaction to Demeter milk. I wonder if it's something in the cow's feed, since they're fed with Grünfutter, which could contain all kinds of plants and grasses.
@Melora Feed was my first thought too, but it could've been bacteria as well, who knows. Interestingly, others who drank the milk were fine. (Idk, I theorize that certain bacteria cause problems in some while not in others depending on their biome).
This time I'm just gonna take a few tablespoons and build up. Hope to God it works, I have horrible GI tract and (rare) psoriatic issues. I'm pretty positive fixing the former betters the latter.
Well, that's that, don't want to derail. Thanks again. If someone else is familiar with other sources, feel free to share.
@YellowCanary have you had your vitamin D tested? I used to have psoriasis on my scalp which disappeared since getting my vitamin D up to around 60. It starts to get itchy and slightly inflamed again (but doesn't change colour) when I start to get low, like 20-30ng/mL. Look up Labor Stager (mein Direktlabor). There may be one near you. Otherwise cerascreen has been good but I'm suspicious of the accuracy of the tests.
For what it's worth I drank milk for the past two years daily but have found that, although I've tolerated it extremely well, I do better with just cheese, because the lactose seems to be fermented in some part of my intestine which is still prone to inflammation. So I would try to stick to the most well tolerated calcium sources if you have a sensitive intestine (which it sounds very much like you do). I initially was extremely lactose intolerant and was able to drink over a litre a day with virtually no issues, but as Danny Roddy has mentioned, UHT milk was always the easiest on my system. Vorzugsmilch, for example, would sometimes give me endotoxin-like symptoms like yogurt can for me, especially if I want feeling great.
Does anyone have experience with Purebulk importing Dhea powder to Germany?
Or any other source?
@BabyDuck Check out
DHEA isn't "verschreibungspflichtig" in Germany, i.e. no prescription required. I have bought from them multiple times, mainly for pregnenolone, which is very good quality. It's not pure powder, but they claim it's only rice flour and magnesium stearate. I tolerated the pregnenolone very well and only had good effects in large doses (up to several hundred mg at a time). I've only tried the DHEA on occasion but I have found it hard to discern the effects of it, and am wary of trying too high a dose. A bit expensive though, but I think it's worth it for the quality.
@Kvothe die Ziegenmilch und die Schafsmilch von Leeb hat keine Zusatzstoffe, leider ist sie momentan bei mir im Bioladen nicht mehr zu bekommen aber vielleicht online? Ich muss jetzt auch nach einer neuen Quelle suchen weil mein Laden die nicht mehr führt.
@K-Dog Die Ziegenmilch von Leeb habe ich lange getrunken, weil es die im Bioladen in meiner Stadt gab. Ist aber schon lange aus dem Sortiment und ich habe ebenfalls noch keinen onlineshop gefunden, bei dem ich Sie bestellen könnte.
@YellowCanary I'll keep your experiences in mind. Generally, I do well on raw cheeses too. Gonna experiment and see, just bussy atm. Thanks.
I've tried vit D + plenty of daily sun, but never did consequent testing (my levels were similar to yours). May try testing again. In general, there was no improvement sadly.
@YellowCanary Yeah. Funnily I just started upping the milk intake on UHT (Berchtesgadener Land Bio, really good!) and gave Flowers of Sulphur a try (Schwefelblüte) and I am tolerating 6 cups a day extremely well now with no bloating, gas or irritation. Never thought to just try UHT all day for some reason. But keeping digestion good is probably more important. For what it's worth, I've been very shocked to see my Vitamin D level after summer in Germany before, around 30 or lower last year. I've heard it is lowered during stress and infection so that's worth considering. I've decided to just take 5000 IU all year round unless I was really outside all day now. Even then it's worth testing just to make sure. Always feel so much better getting back up to 50-60mg/ml. Good luck!
Welches Waschmittel verwendet ihr alle ?
@Mauritio Persil Megaperls Color, hatte auch schonmal Spee Megaperls Color aber Schrott und Ariel hat mir auch nich gefallen. Als meine Waschmaschine mal kaputt war und ich was zu meiner Mum gebracht habe, hat Sie irgendein Lenor benutzt und ich hatte die heftigsten Allergiesymptome Augen rot Nase zu alles kribbelt und tausend mal Niessen. Ich musste einige Sachen wegschmeißen selbst nach mehrmaligen Waschen ging das mich mehr raus. Danach hatte ich damals im RPF gesehen das manche Terra Wash benutzen.
Wäre Mega wenn das funktioniert, kann mir bei sowas aber nie vorstellen das die Wäsche richtig sauber wird.Wie kommst du drauf allergische Reaktion oder generell Sorge wegen der toxischen Inhaltsstoffe?
@Mauritio benutze ab und zu dieses DIY Waschmittel für semi-dirty Wäsche
Könnt ihr ein gutes Shampoo empfehlen? Benutze zwar Bloo, muss aber wegen meinen langen Haaren 1x in der Woche auf ein konventionelles Produkt springen, da sie sonst eine komische Textur bekommen (bin an sich auch kein Fan davon Baking Soda auf die Haut aufzutragen).
Tipps für solide Dusch/Wasserfilter wären auch super!
@K-Dog ich habe die Ziegenmilch bei knuspr in München gesehen. weiß nicht ob das überall dann erhältlich ist.
@Mauritio Frosch Sensitiv
@chuddy und zufrieden? Nutzt du es wegen Allergien oder generell weil in normalen Waschmitteln Semi Optimale Inhaltsstoffe sind? Waschkraft ist bei dem auch gut wie bei normalen Waschmitteln?
@Mr-X Keine Allergien, es scheint mir einfach das "sauberste" von den Inhaltsstoffen, da "sensitiv"/"für babys" meist generell weniger Mist beinhält, dazu noch Bio etc. Wäscht ohne Probleme.
@chuddy ok Danke, werd ich mal ausprobieren
kennt jemand gute Reiskocher & AirFryer den er empfehlen kann? Mir geht es hier vorallem um die Beschichtung. Bei vielen steht z.b. Edelstahl dann liest man weiter und es steht doch Aluminium, oder es steht Edelstahl aber dann doch irgendeine toxische Beschichtung.
Danke euch
Hey guys. Kennt Jemand eine "Peatesque" Hausarzt oder Endokrinologikum, etc in Berlin? Mit meine Frau, sie nimmt Thzroxine (T4), aber möchte die Aktive Thyroid (T3) probieren. Deswegen. Danke!