New "Mission" of RPF
@Truth I like how Charlie said your age was the reason why you could handle so much fruit. It's getting laughable
The user Questforhealth was banned on this post for debunking Charlie's claims by asking questions:
@Truth said in New "Mission" of RPF:
The user Questforhealth was banned on this post for debunking Charlie's claims by asking questions:
That was quick! But I can't find where they got banned. Screen shot?
@Truth Off with his insolent head.
Looks like a silent ban, they're not searchable anymore. Not a smart move in response to her reasoned inquisition.
Not a smart move at all. I believe her...
@S-Holmes said in New "Mission" of RPF:
Rinse and Repeat fell victim to the machine gun attack today. She wasn't banned but I would DM her the new forum link if I could be certain Charlie wouldn't see it. I'm not ready to be banned yet. The forum has seen me through some dark times so I feel a little weepy about leaving. Too sentimental, I know.She knows about this forum. She is in the process of setting up her own website - she posted the link on the RPF recently.
Unbelievable! Her efforts almost looked like an attempt to prop the place up, and that's what she got for it...
@ThinPicking Silent ban, just like me and my friend Androsclerosis got banned, I bet he knew androsclerosis is my friend and banned him also asap without saying anything. Checking the IP for sure since when I was banned I used androsclerosis account on my phone to access the forum and to make more comments and got banned instantly.
@questforhealth he is a man
Charlie banning one of the sickest members. So brave. Top lion. Maybe a lion without a mane.
@ilovethesea Thanks for this alternative. I have been purchasing the thyroid and a couple of the other products from the Life Giving Store. I had no idea that it was Charlie's store and with all this madness going on and his behavior, I just truly feel I can't trust the products coming from his store and do not wish to support his new cause.
@Truth said in New "Mission" of RPF:
@questforhealth he is a man
Good to know. Guess I should be more careful with pronouns. Lol.
Awesome idea. Or what about .sheesh....I am just flabbergasted at the rate of RPF total decline. Here I am in rural Australia, and wake up to this exponentially crazy activity on one of the few sites on the net where I participate. (not twitter, not fb, etc.).
I did say something to this effect in 2020 after the implementation of lockdowns supposedly worldwide; namely that the interest in the Truth - this RPF where we are interested in health and cellular dynamics and melabolism inspired the maverick thinker Raymond Peat, may be a more temporary situation.....and it is now being attacked. From within. And Bashed from without as someone said above regarding the forum Reddit.
When Danny and Haidut and Mercola got together, THIS brought Peat's ideas to the attention of the "Watchers of the Sky" = ie the alphabet agencies. Mercola IS Big Business, and is or became part of the "Program", or psyop. So by association. They do not want ANY group getting too large, issues of control. ESPECIALLY if the group wants to discuss maverick ideas that differ than the status quo propaganda, around truth in cellular actvity, or banking, or politics, etc.. .
This is not only an attack to take us few people down, the 'followers' or inspired students so to speak of Dr Peat, BUT it is part of the process to debase RP and his ideas now AND in the future; To obfuscate the history (on the web) for the future searchers of the alternative ideas in biology/medicine.
OK, rant over, and yes, we have been psy-oped.
I trust the process of karma and the Tao.
Now on to my liver paté on masa tortillas for breaky.
Have a great day. -
@risingfire glad we share good thoughts of Ray and find his spirit lives on and talks to us in his writings.
@ilovethesea O.M.G.
Like others I question the coincidence of Mercola coming on the scene with his recent interest in Ray Peat and sudden and seemingly coordinated destruction of RPF. But then Mercola is reportedly off on some bizarre spiritual thing causing his followers confusion as well, so IDK what the heck is going on.
Its absolutely worthless over there on RPF now -- it's just a mess of theories and contrarians trying to act like things are actually relevant to Ray Peat's work. It's actually worse than worthless because of how much it confuses and detracts from Peat's body of work. If I understand correctly, the Vitamin A toxicity thing is something that Peat was asked about and explicity rejected after studying it so how they can even go on pretendng this is in line with his thinking or something he would embrace is beyond me.
"health authorities" tells you all you need to know,
@C-Mex What a travesty