@Shar_to_the_dae Same here with potatoes. I never digested them well, but I tried them after not having potatoes for years, and it was like a bad acid trip.
Once you are off starches, you will digest them even less well than before, because all the needed digesting enzymes (e.g. amylase) are downregulated.
For your feeling hungry: maybe you are just not feeling full?
I ate a lot of starches years ago, and I always felt bloated. But thinking back on it, this bloating made me feel full and satiated, and I craved that bloating.
It may take a while to forget that craving.
I noticed that when I got off starches, I needed a lot of very sweet foods to compensate. Nothing could be too sweet. But after a while my craving of very sweet things abated, and I don't enjoy very sweet things anymore.
That said: I always have a vanilla milk around: lots of milk, sugar, a bit collagen, vanilla.