@brad I too had dermatitis for a long time, (I have a ton of posts about charcoal curing my dermatitis on the old forum). It’s very much as Ray used to say in my experience, a function of energy metabolism. The D3/K2 product probably “created” the symptom because it added energy to the equation. Prior to that supplement it’s possible that you didn’t have to energy to even present with a symptom.
In my experience there is a major paradox with regard to bioenergetic approaches where by you get a symptom when you provide fuel or a supplement that increases energy. We subsist at such a low energy level that we suppress symptoms because we don’t even have the spare energy to begin to tackle the deficiency/infection/whatever the offender is.
This is why people gain weight when they begin to eat more. Sleep improves, (so obviously glycogen storage is deficient). Nutritional deficiencies begin to resolve, but weight goes on because while nutrition is the cure to much chronic disease, nutrition alone is unlikely to restore healthy energy metabolism. So, symptoms can abate, but the paradoxical weight gain occurs.
Not sure if this makes sense to anyone, (I’m sure I’m not being very clear) but this has been my experience. While charcoal “cured” my dermatitis, it didn’t do anything for my energy metabolism, (the only thing that ultimately raises immunity and ultimately cures us). Thyroid, aspirin, progesterone as Peat often said in interviews until it became a meme between me and my wife, (I’d give a personal shout-out to B vitamins). This simple advice is profound.