The Art and Science of Mega-Dose Thiamine Lecture: Part 1
EONutrition – Elliot Overton (nutritionist) – Video 1:34:21
This is the first of two lectures I gave to a group of medical/health professionals on the clinical application of high-dose vitamin B1. In this video I outline the basics of how the body uses this nutrient, why deficiency is likely more prevalent than it is conventionally thought to be, and how high doses may be working via different mechanisms to improve chronic health issues.
HDT = High Dose Thiamine
Synopsis (with time-code)
*) Video 5.55’’: The system affected by thiamine deficiency
*) +/ 6.00”: Symptoms of beriberi
*) 11.00”: Prevalence of B1 deficiencies (by ordinary people)
*) 12.30”: Medical dogma (incorrect)
Deficiency easily detected by blood test.
*) 14.00”: Common causes of deficiencies (classical risk factors)
*) 15.00”: Most tests are inaccurate
*) 22.00”: You’re out of the box (optimal status)
*) 23.45”: Hormones matters (reference site)
*) 24.25”: Everybody consuming high carbs will suffer from thiamin insufficiency. But not only.
See Figure.
Mind refined foods, inflammation or infection, environmental toxicity, surgery, etc. It increases the demand or it counteracts the enzymatic system. It increases the demand above the board (> 70%).
A appropriate diet is going to sustain you well but – surrounded by so many stresses – to rely on diet solely is not enough / inappropriate.
Many people can’t recover from a pathology because some medications impact the assimilation or the biodisponibility of vitamins.
*) 29.15”” The status of thiamin depends on the level of carbs eaten, even if not refined. High intake of macronutrients in the absence of micronutrients leads to health problems.
*) 30.00”: Recap
*) +/ 31.00”: Metabolic pathway of energy
If you haven’t enough vitamin (TPP, in blue = B1), you can’t use enzymes (yellow).
*) 32.00”: Same evidence: TPP (B1) is needed for carburation.
TTP is needed by enzymes required in cellular energy. A continual supply must be brought. Thiamin is a rate-liming factor for energy production: With insufficient B1, the enzymes are effectively blocked and the entire process of energy production slows down. This is central in the process energy at practically at all energy level of the cells (mitochondria).
*) 32.55”: Krebs cycle.
Another figure to represent glycolysis
*) 33.05”: TCA cycle – Without enough thiamin, pyruvate spills into lactate (acidosis).
*) +/ 35.00” Enzyme pathway with B1
*) 35.45””: Thiamin is dependent on magnesium (activation), like many vitamins.
*) 39.05” Vagus nerve. Pathway involved in vagus nerve stimulation. Link with most visceral organs.
*) 39.30” – 44.20” Cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway
Several studies show that the decrease in cholinergic neuron activity correlates with the degree of severity of many neuron pathologies. It inhibits the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines. So, choline indirectly plays a role of modulator against inflammation. The vagus nerve is well the most determinant communicant factor in immune response.
If you lose the ability to communicate the signal from the brain through the vagus nerve, it will take an eternity to recover. Consider too that there is a two-ways communication. Without effective communication between sympatric and para-sympatric brain, we lose the ability to modulate an adaptive response. The system controls itself through the vagus nerve.
*) 44.20” Thiamine, a universal stress molecule.
Extra high thiamine levels protect the cell against injury (upregulation of recovery process), inflammation and oxygen stress.
*) 50.00” The effect of hypoxia on the brain due to a lack of thiamin cofactor
Figure with Krebs cycle and enzymes sensitive to B1 deficiency: TPP & ketoglutarate dehydrogenase.
=> Damage to neurons & mitochondrial dysfunction (reduced ATP production and oxidative stress).
*) 55.00” Book
*) 1.03” Recap
*) 1.04” References
*) 1.14” Enzyme Inhibitors (KGDHC inactivation) lead to problems
KGDHC = α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase complex (mitochondrial enzyme depending on thiamine)
*) 1.15.45” figure. Thiamine chemistry is disrupted by environmental stress
*) 1.16.55” Figure. Enzyme inhibition
*) 1.1845””. Figure. High dose nutrient therapy
If you saturate the cell with a huge amount of thiamin, it doesn’t account (no problem). You’ll speed the process up.
*) 1.21.45: blood test and company
*) 1.23.16” Effective dose for different forms of thiamine
Type of vitamin effective amount
Thiamine HCL 500 – 4000 mg / day
Benfotiamine 300 – 1800 mg / day
TTFD 100 – 1500 mg / day
*) 1.26.21””: Paradoxical reaction: Temporary worsening of symptoms (from left to right side)
Don’t begin with a high transition (from 500 to 2 000 mg B1) because 80 % people will feel horrible.
People who’ve been deficient since a long time (10 years or more without taking a supplement and eating refined carbs with pasta, bread and / or rice) are more susceptible to encounter body reactions. Idem if you suffer from a chronicle disease (since B1 has been exhausted or in a very limited amount to assure all neuronal tasks). So open a 500 mg capsule and start with a portion of the powder, if required, and don’t jump to 2 000 mg at once. Begin very low and start very slow: Make transition (baseline on the graph). Only raise the dose when the baseline brings an improvement in symptoms and consolidate before raising again. Of course, we don’t raise the dose if someone feel worse; otherwise it’s going to make the situation 10 times worse. We stop taking B1 until we recover. We must be then patient and begin again with a very low dose, before building up very progressively.
*) 1.29.25”: Thiamine nutritional interactions
*) 1.30.25”: How to deal with HDT
Preferably high bioavailability of Thiamine (TTFD). A b-complex will be needed. Potassium and magnesium too. Mg is very important, especially to avoid the paradoxical effect. 1 000 to 2 000 mg more potassium could be helpful too (or coconut water if you don’t want to).
Note 1: If problem with TTFD (neuronal exacerbation), take another form.
Note 2: Do not take a B-50 complex alone every day (cell overgrowth stimulation)
*) 1.32.55’ Info (book):
Mega-Dose Thiamine – Beyond addressing deficiency. Elliot OVERTON